The teenage drama series Young Royals follows Prince Wilhelm of Sweden and Simon Eriksson, the Prince's love interest and best friend, as they grow up.
The plot centers on these two people and the turmoil that comes with their growing gay romance. Viewers and journalists alike have commended Young Royals for depicting adolescent homosexual romance and mental health issues in a positive light.
The show's first season launched on Netflix on July 1, 2021, and it was renewed for a second season on September 22, 2021.
More than a year after the announcement of a renewal, fans are wondering if the series will return in 2022 or not. We've got you covered if that's what's on your mind, too!
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Young Royals Season 2 Plot
After the conclusion of the first season, a sex video featuring Wilhelm and Simon was made public, which led to the breakdown of their partnership. Wilhelm deceived Simon into believing that he participated in the making of the sexually graphic videotape so that he could keep his family safe.
Due to the need to protect the good name of the monarch, dating in public is strictly prohibited; thus, Wilhelm approaches Simon with the request to establish a relationship in secret.
On the other hand, Simon declines the offer, which ultimately results at the end of their partnership. Despite this, it is very evident that they continue to feel love and affection for one another.
In the second season of Young Royals, we will see if Wilhelm chooses to maintain his allegiance to his mother and disregard his friendship with Simon, or whether he makes the decision to choose his relationship with Simon above the throne. In an ideal world, we'd want to see the second option.
When Simon and Wilhelm run into one other at school in the subsequent episodes, there will be a significant amount of sexual tension. We will have to wait and see if Simon is able to forgive Wilhelm, and if so, whether or not the two can find their happily ever after.
Young Royals Season 2 Cast
“There are some features why we may identify to these persons,” Ryding reportedly said while describing his persona to Numero. My experience with anxiety allows me to empathize with Wilhelm's struggle with it.
The common people, on the other hand, are not privy to all of the information that occurs behind the scenes of the royal families. Because of this, we will never get the opportunity to experience what it is like to be there.
After considering what I've read and seen, I'm not sure I'd want to be a young member of a royal family.
Rudberg provided a remark that indicated his agreement with the statement, stating, “It would be fantastic to try it out for a day or a week, but not for long.” Onset, Edvin made several honest attempts to act the part of a prince, but he was never successful in doing so.
The events in Simon's narrative have a profound impact on me. When he is at school, with his friends, and also when he goes home to his mother from Latin America and they speak Spanish together.
They have certain similarities here and there. Because I have many of the same challenges in school as Simon has, I am able to understand and sympathize with him. On the other hand, I can't connect to his grade point average.”
Young Royals Season 2 is set to feature several of the characters from Season 1, including:
- Edvin Ryding as Prince Wilhelm
- Omar Rudberg as Simon
- Malte Gårdinger as August
- Frida Argento as Sara
- Nikita Uggla as Felice
- Pernilla August as Queen Kristina of Sweden
- Nathalie Varli as Madison
- Carmen Gloria Pérez as Linda
How many episodes in season 2?
The first season of the series is comprised of a total of six episodes, and we anticipate that Young Royals Season 2 will adhere to the established pattern and consist of the same number of episodes.
Release Date
Netflix announced the debut of Young Royals Season 2 in 2022 back in the previous year, but the streaming service has not provided a specific release date as of yet.
However, not too long ago, Netflix's Twitter account announced significant news on the show by stating that the filming for Young Royals Season 2 has finally been wrapped up. The account also provided Instagram story screenshots from the show's stars, Edvin Ryding and Omar Rudberg.
The caption states, “And that brings us to the conclusion of Young Royals Season 2!” I really cannot wait for everyone to find out what happens next with Wilhelm and Simon.
Filming for Young Royals Season 2 began in February and concluded in May.
Assuming that the following season will again consist of 6 episodes like the debut season, we anticipate that the second season will premiere somewhere before the end of 2022.