This Is Us is an American drama television series that debuted on NBC on September 20, 2016 and has been renewed for a second season. In multiple time frames, the series explores the lives and families of two parents and their three children. Milo Ventimiglia, Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Justin Hartley, Susan Kelechi Watson, Chris Sullivan, Ron Cephas Jones, Jon Huertas, Caitlin Thompson, Alexandra Breckenridge, Niles Fitch, Logan Shroyer, Hannah Zeile, Mackenzie Hancsicsak, Parker Bates, Lonnie Chavis, Eris Baker, and Faithe Herman are among the ensemble cast members. Los Angeles is where This Is Us is shot.
What Will You Find in The Series?
Kevin, Kate, and Randall Pearson (the “Big Three”), as well as their parents Jack and Rebecca Pearson, are the focus of the series. It is set primarily in the current day and employs flashbacks to depict the family's history. Kevin and Kate are the two surviving triplets born six weeks early on Jack's 36th birthday in 1980; their brother Kyle is stillborn.
Jack and Rebecca, who are white, decide to adopt Randall, an African American boy born the day before and transported to the same hospital after his biological father William Hill abandoned him at a fire station, believing they were destined to have three children. While Jack dies when his children are 17 years old, Rebecca marries Miguel, Jack's best buddy. Randall becomes a successful financial professional and marries Beth, a college friend. They have two children (Tess and Annie) and a third, Deja, whom they adopt.
Kevin succeeds as an actor despite his inability to be taken seriously. Kate meets and marries Toby, pursues a profession in music, earns a degree, and becomes a mother after a life without purpose.
Most episodes include a present-day plot and a flashback storyline; however, some episodes have only one time period or employ numerous flashback time periods.
This is Us Season 6
New seasons of the NBC drama usually premiere in September or October of each year. They then take a mid-season vacation before returning the next year with a new set of episodes. Season six, however, will not air until 2022 owing to the pandemic's interference. This is a lengthier wait than normal, but it does imply that there will be no mid-season break. The entire season will operate without any major delays from start to end.
Fans in the United Kingdom can watch the program on Amazon Prime Video, with new episodes airing every Wednesday — the day after it airs in the United States. Given the changes to its release schedule, it's unclear if this will change for season six, but for now, we're expecting the streamer to broadcast the new episodes as normal.
Wrapping Up
This program thrives on surprising its viewers – generally by deceiving us into believing we're witnessing one time period when we're actually seeing another – but the season five finale delivered one of the series' biggest surprises ever. We saw Kevin presumably planning his vows for his marriage to Madison at the start of the show. Their wedding, however, did not take place, as it was later revealed.