Hard cell is a British television show depicting fictional and funny events and presenting a documentary or can say it is a mockumentary sitcom series. The series is developed by Catherine Tate who is leading a main role in the series. The producer of the series is Jennie Fava, and a production company named Leopard Pictures.
Viewers have been speculating about the potential of a second season of the show even though the first season is already airing. In this article, you will find everything we currently know regarding the status of Hard Cell Season 2.
Will Hard Cell Season 2 Renewed Or Cancelled?
We all know the first season of Hard Cell was released on April 12, 2022 on Netflix.
As of now, there hasn't been any official confirmation that Hard Cell will return for a second season or not. There has been no indication whether the show will be renewed or not, however the fans are waiting to hear more about its future.
Many viewers are still optimistic that the show will return for a second season despite the lack of any official announcement. The Wikipedia updated that the series has been cancelled after its first season
Any changes regarding the renewal or cancellation of Hard Cell Season 2, we will update you.
What Is The Storyline Of Hard Cell Season 2?
The series Hard Cell follows UK Prison governor Laura Willis played by Catherine Tate who plays multi character in order to capture the criminal justice system. To add on, a documentary team tracks the inmates and staff of HMP Woldsley.
How Many Episodes Are There in Series Hard Cell Season 2?
The viewers of the series are waiting for the upcoming season. The previous season of Hard cell included 6 episodes and the run time of each episode is 24 to 27 minutes. So, we can expect that if the next season of Hard Cell will released, then it may have at least six episodes.
Is There Any Official Trailer Of Hard Cell Season 2?
As there is no update regarding Hard Cell season 2. So, the trailer of the series is not available.
Who’s In The Cast Of The Hard Cell Season 2?
Even though there hasn't been an official release, we can expect the following cast members to return for the second season:
- Catherine Tate as Ange/Governor Willis
- Christian Brassington as Dean
- Donna Preston as Fat Pat
- Niky Wardley as Anastasia
- Lorna Brown as Cal
- Cheryl Fergison
- Peter Singh as Gary
- Lisa Davina Phillip as Pat Pat
- Stacey Guthrie as ‘Thick as shit’ Jean
- Caroline Harding as Sal
- Duncan Wisbey as Martin
- Jola Olajide as Charlee
- Suzie Chard as No Hat Cathy
- Dimeji Ewuoso as the delivery boy
- Jumoke Fashola as Mama Dede
Where to Watch Hard Cell?
Hard Cell is the original series of Netflix streaming network. Therefore you can watch the series on Netflix, if you have a Netflix Subscription. Otherwise, you can see the plans of Netflix subscription on its official website.
What Are the Ratings of The Previous Season Of Hard Cell?
The series Hard cell secured a 6.4/10 rating on IMDb, with approximately 1.7k users rated it. On the other hand, the average rating on rotten tomatoes is 4.3 out of 5.
Is The Series Hard Cell Worth To Watch?
The main factor of the series is run time, as the run time of each episode is less than 30 minutes. Catherine Tate played six different characters, She is professionally famous for acting and comedy. Therefore, if you love to watch comedy visuals then you can watch this series.
It is confirmed yet, whether the series Hard Cell will be renewed or not. In future, any official statement will be disclosed to the public, we will share it with you. To add on, I hope you like this article, and you can ask questions related to this topic via the comment section, if you have any query. Thanks For Visiting And Reading.