RuPaul, like the American version, has multiple duties on the show, including host, mentor, and judge. RuPaul serves as presenter, introducing famous guests, announcing the obstacles the queens will face each week, and revealing who will be eliminated from the competition. RuPaul's function as a coach is to guide the participants through each challenge, while his position as a judge is to criticise the queens' overall execution of the competition.
The second season of RuPaul's Drag Race UK premiered on the BBC Three portion of BBC iPlayer and the WOW Presents Plus streaming service on January 14, 2021. On November 15, 2019, the series was confirmed, and casting was completed. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production was halted in mid-2020, but resumed in late-2020. On December 16, 2020, the cast of 12 new queens was revealed, and the show premiered on January 14, 2021.
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Episodes of Drag Race UK Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 2
The queens discuss what happened on last week's show after Joe Black is eliminated. The contestants must elect a Drag Race cabinet in the categories of Secretary of Shade, Trade Minister, Leader of the House of Loading It Up, and Baroness Basic for the mini challenge. A'Whora, Tayce, Lawrence Chaney, and Tia Kofi were the winners in those categories, respectively.
Episode 3
The queens had to limbo in rapid drag in the little task at the start of the episode. The queens choose their drag sister for the major task. The queens had to create looks using the same colours and textiles as their drag sister in five teams of two. The colours were assigned to the duos by the victors of the mini challenge, Tayce and Veronica Green.
Episode 4
In the Great British Fake-Off, the queens had to present a cake as if it were their own in a little challenge. Bimini Bon-Boulash won the mini challenge and was entitled to select her own part for the major challenge as a result. The queens' main objective was to co-host a brand new daytime television show called Morning Glory.
Episode 5
The queens returned to the competition after a seven-month lockdown break, with the exception of Veronica Green, who was forced to withdraw from the programme after testing positive for COVID-19, despite receiving an open offer to return for Season 3. The previously ousted queens, with the exception of Ginny Lemon, returned to compete for a chance to return to the competition. Joe Black was voted by the majority to return to the competition after each queen made her case to the other candidates.