Upload Season 2: Release Date: Cast, Plot and Everything You Need to Know!

Upload Season 2-In 2020, Greg Daniels, best known for The Office US and Space Force, released a brand-new comedy that many mistakenly condemned as a rip-off of A Good Place.

Far from that, the programme proved to be its beast, which is understandable given Daniels' lack of familiarity with Michael Schur's fantasy comedy.

He told Collider, “I think I had dinner with Mike and his wife in 2016.” “I was just about to turn in the first draught of this. In 2015, I sold it to HBO after pitching it all over town. ‘I'm turning something in tomorrow,' I told Mike. ‘I'm turning something in tomorrow, too,' he added. It was A Good Place, as it turned out. Our creative minds were thinking about the same thing since we had worked together for so long.

“I haven't watched A Good Place yet. I didn't want to be influenced by the fact that we were both doing things in the same zone.”

In an interview with BT.com, Daniels explained the show's inspiration: “I was strolling around New York City, trying to come up with new ideas for Saturday Night Live. I noticed a CD player advertised at an electronics store and it started me thinking about transitioning everything from analogue to digital.

“‘What is the ultimate manifestation of that?' I wondered. And imagine being able to digitise your entire self, including your personalities and memories. What would it be like if it happened? ‘Well, it will empower human beings to build their paradise, in a way,' I reasoned. I felt it was a great concept.”

We were keen to know if the second season of Upload was on the way after season one ended on an unclear note.

Everything you need to know about the second season of Upload is right here.

When will the second season of Upload appear on Amazon Prime?

Upload Season 2-“I am happy to continue a terrific partnership with Amazon Studios and this brilliant ensemble and find out what happens next to Nora, Nathan, and Ingrid and their 2033 universe,” Daniels stated on May 8, 2020, confirming the second season.

Season two will be a “smart, cinematic comedy crackling with intrigue,” according to Amazon Studios' Jennifer Salke. “We know our global fans want to see the next chapter with Nathan and Nora, so we are greenlighting season two and are excited that Greg's passion project has found such a devoted audience,” she added.

Season two's Robbie Amell (Nathan Brown) commented, “This has been simmering in his thoughts for a very long time.” “And I believe that everybody who appreciated the first season will recognise that it will only become better.”

There is still no release date set, however, filming began in January 2021 and ended in April of that year. On the last day, Nathan's actor, Robbie Amell, shared a selfie with his co-stars.


 While this does not provide a firm release date, considering that it has already completed post-production, we may expect it to be released in 2022.

What will happen in Season 2 of Upload?

“This season, I believe you'll get to see a little bit more of the supporting characters,” Amell told CBR.com. “Zainab [Johnson, who portrays Aleesha], Kevin [Bigley, who plays Luke], and Allegra [Edwards, who plays Ingrid] are all incredibly witty and wonderful, in my opinion. I'm thrilled to see more from them, and the show ended on a major turning point for many of the characters, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.”

Andy Allo (Nora), speaking to Brief Take, said: “I like Nora and her tale, as well as the many possibilities she offers. There are so many things to explore in this wide and complex world, which is full of stories and things we haven't discovered yet that we get to find together, as well as the varied rules of this new universe.

“I'd like to…dive more into this new sort of futuristic society and what it means to have a digital afterlife,” she says.

Amell spoke with ScreenRant about his plans for season two, and it seems like he's particularly excited to tackle some serious scenes: “Nathan is back at square one with Ingrid, but there's still a lot to figure out about Nathan and Nora's connection, as well as Nathan and Ingrid's relationship, at the end of season one. I'm simply ecstatic.

“I genuinely believe the dramatic side of things with Nathan and Nora can be addressed with her leaving after the first season, and the danger she's in, and the relationship being left on a bit of a strange note and a cliffhanger,” she says.

We don't know what the second chapter will include, but it will most likely begin with Nora and Byron in the Poconos, Nathan locked at 2G status, and Ingrid had recently uploaded to be with him.

Upload Season 2

Season two will have to address several questions, including:

Ingrid uploaded to Lakeview in what way (was it suicide)? How will Nathan, Nora, and Ingrid's love triangle (or square, if we include Byron) be resolved? What does Nathan and Jamie's Beyond programme have in store for the future? What's more, who precisely assassinated Nathan?

“Well, it could have been a mistake,” Daniels remarked of the season one finale (via Collider). “I'm not sure. There was a mystery element to the programme at the time, and I didn't want to solve it.

“There's also the romantic element, which I didn't want to end. I wanted to have those two elements going into a possible future season.”

“I understand that not having perfect closure on anything might be annoying for individuals,” he said, “but Voldemort is still an issue after Harry Potter's first film.”

And if things don't get addressed on the programme, there's a chance the loose ends may be wrapped up unexpectedly (via Uproxx).

“When I first presented it,” Daniels explained, “I planned two seasons ahead of time. Maybe I was a little too sure of myself, but I think I know where we're headed. I battled with Amazon about how much closure there should be at the end, and once we shot it, we backed off on part of it.

Upload Season 2 (1)

“With the writers, we're quite well into Season 2, so there would've been a lot of wasted labour if they hadn't taken it up. I believe I have a clause in my contract that says if they don't take it up, I can complete it as a graphic novel.

“I'd been working on this for so long that I was scared about not being able to finish it, so I managed to save the rights to publish it as a comic book if it didn't move forward.”

Of course, the programme is progressing, but it doesn't rule out the possibility of a comic book adaptation of Upload in the future.

“When I placed it in the contract, I was more concerned with it never seeing the light of day,” Daniels said. “However, with these 10-episode seasons, you develop so many ideas that you just can't utilise them all, so I believe that branching out might be extremely enjoyable.”

Is there, however, an endgame in sight, and does it include Nora and Nathan's relationship turmoil coming to a head?

“There's romance in the programme, but there's also a mystery aspect, and then there's a more cheerful comedy portion, I think, that's more like a regular show,” Daniels added. “If there was no longer suspense in the romance narrative for some reason, I believe there would still be some potential in the other stories if we chose to continue.

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“However, I only have a few alternative endings floating about; I have no idea how this thing will conclude.”

Daniels also assured fans at a virtual panel for Comic-Con@Home 2020 “We're going to learn more about the ‘Luds' and their community,” she says, adding, “We're going to learn more about the ‘Luds' and their community.”

“Nora and Nathan are going to alter Lakeview. A lot is coming ahead – and we'll be seeing a lot more of New York.”

Allo is likewise optimistic for a reunion (via Collider).

“I want them to [reunite],” she expressed her desire. “Nora seemed to have discovered something in Nathan that she had been looking for. She witnessed her parents have this perfect love and connection that lasted till the very end, and she's been searching for it ever since. There's a part of her that believes she's discovered what we're all looking for in Nathan.

“It's in the most difficult location, but I'm interested in seeing how their tale unfolds. I think her absence, as well as her return to the real world and everything it entails, will be fascinating. There's a lot to see.”

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Is Nora, Nathan, and Ingrid all set to return for Season 2 of Upload?

Both Nathan and Nora have returned, which is fortunate because the programme would be incomplete without them.

“You get to watch these two characters who exist in separate worlds kind of come together, which I think is very wonderful,” Andy Allo told The Hollywood Reporter of Nora and Nathan's relationship.

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Ingrid and her shady father Oliver (Barclay Hope), Aleesha and Luke, and Josh Banday as Ivan, who has been promoted to series regular, round out the cast.

Jordan Johnson-Hinds as Jamie, Chris Williams as Nora's father Dave, Andrea Rosen as Nora's boss Lucy, Jessica Tuck as Nathan's mother Viv, William B Davis as Lake View resident David Choak, Chloe Coleman as Nathan's niece Nevaeh, and Rhys Slack as Dylan, a Lakeview resident, are among the other actors who could appear.

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It's unclear if Elizabeth Bowen will reprise her role as Fran Booth, Nathan's cousin who is investigating his automobile accident… the last time we saw her, she was driving off the end of a pier in a self-driving vehicle.

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There have also been some new character announcements. Paulo Costanzo (Designated Survivor) will play Matteo, “a young dynamic leader prone to fits of self-importance,” according to Daniels. Tinsley, a new temp customer service angel at the Horizen ‘Lakeview' facility in Brooklyn, is played by Mackenzie Cardwell (Little Fish). (Image courtesy of Deadline)

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It's unclear how many of them will fit into the larger storey.

When will the season 2 trailer be available for viewing?

Not yet, but keep an eye on this site for developments.

Season 1 of Upload is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.