The Swimmers Ending Explained: Based on real events “The Swimmers” is a biographical drama about the struggles of Yusra Mardini, a Syrian swimmer who left her country with her sister, Sara Mardini, during the Syrian civil war. Their father trained both Yusra and Sara because he wanted to see them compete at the Olympics.
But the Syrian civil war quickly put an end to their dream. Even though the Mardini family wanted to keep living, as usual, the bombings and attacks that happened every day made them rethink their lives. Sara, the oldest sister, was very set on leaving the country.
Sara could no longer relax in her house after hearing about her friends and what they were losing because of the war. The two sisters, who are very different from each other, went on a journey that shows what can be done with hard work and a little luck.
The Swimmers: Ending Explained
What Happened to the Mardini Sisters?
By the end of The Swimmers, the Mardini sisters' story has a bittersweet ending. People think that Yusra will do well at swimming and make a name for herself. At the end of the movie, it is revealed that she is now the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.
Sara Mardini did not continue swimming. Instead, she chose to do things to help refugees. In 2018, she was arrested in Lesbos while working to help refugees. She was charged with several crimes.
Does the Mardini Family Get Back Together?
The Mardini family does get back together. At the end of the movie, it is said that the Mardini family will get back together later in 2016. After the Mardini sisters left Syria, not much is known about what their family members were going through there while bombs were going off.
Before they got to Germany, it's not clear exactly how they got out of Syria in the first place. Everyone thinks that they all stayed in Berlin. The audience doesn't have to guess what will happen to the family like they do with many other subplots.
What Happens to the Other Refugees?
As “The Swimmers” goes on, the other refugees get less and less attention. Their stories have nothing to do with the main plot anymore. Even though that could be a flaw in the story, it makes you wonder what happened to the others.
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Except for Emad, most of the refugees were caught and sent back to where they came from, as seen in the movie. Nizar, who is the Mardini's cousin, goes on to live a safer life than those who tried to leave to get better.