The Simpsons Movie is based on the long-running animated sitcom The Simpsons, is a 2007 American animated adventure comedy film. The film follows Homer Simpson, who pollutes the lake in Springfield, leading to the town being imprisoned beneath a dome by the Environmental Protection Agency. After escaping, he and his family eventually forsake Homer due to his selfishness and return to Springfield to prevent Russ Cargill, the EPA's leader, from destroying the town. Homer attempts to atone for his blunder by returning to Springfield to save it.
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The Making Of Simpson
Previous attempts to make a Simpson's film were unsuccessful owing to a lack of a substantial storyline and production team members. Producers finally started working on the picture in 2001, and a writing team was put together. They came up with several plot concepts, with Groening's being the one that was used. The script was changed over a hundred times, with work on the animation continuing after it began in 2006. As a result, hours of completed footage, including cameo parts from Erin Brockovich, Minnie Driver, Isla Fisher, Kelsey Grammer, and Edward Norton, was removed from the final release.
What is the Movie All About?
Green Day tries to engage the audience in a debate about the environment after a concert on Lake Springfield, but the audience becomes enraged and throws rubbish at them, causing pollution in the lake to deteriorate and sink Green Day's barge, killing them. Grampa Simpson had a mystical experience in Reverend Lovejoy's church during their memorial, and furiously prophesies that a calamity will strike Springfield, but only Marge believes him. Lisa and Colin, her new love interest, conduct a lecture to persuade the town to clean up the lake.
Meanwhile, Homer and Bart travel to Krusty Burger after a series of dares, including one in which Bart skateboards through Springfield nude and gets in trouble with Chief Wiggum, and Homer adopts a pig that Krusty the Clown was ready to murder. Marge advises Homer to get rid of the pig since it is a part of Grampa's prophecy, but Homer refuses. Homer's adoration for the pig causes Bart, who is fed up with his father's irresponsibility, to seek to his next-door neighbour, Ned Flanders, for guidance.
Marge is disgusted by Homer's storage of the pig's excrement in an overflowing silo. Homer tries to dispose of it properly at Marge's suggestion, but Lenny phones and informs him that Lard Lad's is giving away all of its donuts for free because they had to close due to a health inspection failure. Homer empties the silo in the lake in a hurry to get to the giveaway, severely contaminating it.
A squirrel falls into the water and becomes horribly deformed moments later. While on a hike, Bart and Flanders see the pollution, including the squirrel, which is captured by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). President Arnold Schwarzenegger is briefed on Springfield's pollution issue by EPA Administrator Russ Cargill, who offers five remedies. The President chooses the action of enclosing Springfield in a massive glass dome at random. When the townspeople learn of Homer's silo, they assemble an enraged mob that raids the Simpsons' home and attempts to lynch them.
Wrapping Up
So what are your thoughts on The Simpson Movie? I am sure you would watch and become a fan. So what are you waiting for just to enjoy the movie? And don't forget to check out interesting information about series and movies on our website.