The Other Lamb Ending Explained: Creepy Cult drama Filled With Revenge

The last act of The Other Lamb is an oppressive one in which Sheperd (Michael Huisman), the leader of a female cult, relocates his followers to a new location after being forced out of their rural commune by law enforcement.

While they are traveling, Sarah, also known as the Cursed Wife and played by Denise Gough, enlightens his favorite daughter, Selah, played by Raffey Cassidy, on the incestuous trap he has set for them all by shedding light on it for her.

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When Sarah is forced to stay behind with a boy she rescued after Shepard intended to abandon it for dead, Shepherd decides to increase the pressure that Selah is under because he wants Selah to ascend to the role of leader of the women.

The conclusion, however, does not go as planned, and there are heartbreaking victims in the struggle against toxic masculinity.

The Ultimate Ritual

The Other Lamb Ending Explained
The Other Lamb Ending Explained

Shepherd calls Selah for a night of passion, but she has changed her mind and does not want to give up her virginity to him. He sexually abuses the terrified young woman, partly because he is a sadist and in the claim as a punishment for the fact that she is friends with Sarah.

As a quiet sign, he places his fingers down her neck and chokes her, just like the Cursed Wife did. He does this to let them know that only he gives them permission to think and talk freely.

However, when they wake up the following morning, the elder spouses are nowhere to be found. The young ladies start to worry, but Shepard explains that they are no longer considered daughters but new spouses. It's a never-ending cycle that he's been perpetuating for the past couple of decades since he wants them to wear red garments as a sign of advancement rather than blue ones.

Some of the ladies are resigned to their lot in life, while the others are terrified as soon as they realize what he has done. After the Jesus-like leader informs some women that they've discovered “eternal life” at the “great lake” close to their new house, a couple of the women ask about their mothers.

As soon as these girls discover the red clothes worn by their moms buried in the sand, they lose it since they are sure that a mass murder occurred while they were sleeping.

The Freedom of the Flock

The Other Lamb Ending Explained
The Other Lamb Ending Explained

This results in a conflict, yet Sheperd is still confident that Selah will end the rebellion. However, she has overcome the conditioning after seeing the emotional and physical torture he has subjected her.

He pleaded with her to accept his “grace,” but she refused, so he struck her. As soon as he attacked her, Selah promptly retaliated with a strike of her own, and then the scene abruptly transitioned to him ostensibly drowning her in the lake.

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It looks as though she was reliving the dream she had when he baptized her shortly after she arrived earlier in the story. This makes for a strange sequence of events. He did this to all of the ladies, but he held Selah below for a little longer than the other women to demonstrate his dominance over her and that he controlled her free will.

This was his way of assuring that he was the only one who could prescribe the terms of their freedom and that he was their god. Nevertheless, there was a scenario in Selah's sleep in which she either had a suspicion or a dream of this precise time, in which the girls joined her, and they rushed the leader.

This scene depicted the females attacking the leader. He was beaten and eaten by them, which signal they were no longer his pawns; nevertheless, it does not appear that this happened here.

The Forest Woman

The Other Lamb Ending Explained
The Other Lamb Ending Explained

The same law enforcement officers investigating the cult discover the spouses' bodies' signs of physical abuse in the grassy areas around the lake. The lifeless body of Shepard, which was found at the haven strung up between two trees and with horns protruding from it, was the thing that shocked them the most.

It's interesting to note that Selah continued having dreams about a goat, so it's not apparent if these are two horns that the ladies inserted into the guy's head after they killed him or whether this is the man in his natural form.

The final scene concludes with Selah giving a sermon on the Lady of the Forest while standing near a waterfall that she had visions of before. It's a fairy tale that Sarah told her about women having the ability to create their own identities on their terms.

Since she is the forest queen, this also parallels concepts such as Mother Nature and Mother Earth, as well as the idea that women, in all aspects of their lives, from childbearing through adulthood, are the primary caretakers and guardians of humankind.

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“Once upon a time, a woman was constructed out of moonlight and fangs. She was wandering about in the forest, looking for anything… she was hunting! “is how the tale goes. Ironically, Selah told her sisters about it the night before to get them thinking about rebelling against their parents.

They had no idea that it would take place the following day. After that, Selah is seen carrying a young lamb while the other girls are transfixed, staring at the waterfall. She is the protector of the new Flock, and the movie closes right after a lamb baas, which suggests that these ladies do not wish to suppress life but rather to nourish and protect it.

The film The Other Lamb, written by C.S. McMullen and directed by Magorzata Szumowska, is currently accessible -demand on-demand video. Raffey Cassidy, Michiel Huisman, and Denise Gough are the actors who appear in it.