The Latest ‘No Man’s Sky’ update adds AI mechs and improves Sentinels!

The first major No Man's Sky patch of the year has been released, and it is a big one. In addition, the Sentinel update, according to Hello Games, makes improvements to the AI of the space exploration sim and introduces a customizable AI mech. You can put an artificial intelligence pilot in your Exomech and have it follow you around and assist you in battle. Players can also create a drone companion to accompany them.

No Man's Sky

The Sentinels, robots that will attack you if you attempt to alter the environment or if you land on a planet that contains rare items, will see some changes as a result of the update, as indicated by the name. As part of a major overhaul of combat and weapon systems, there are new enemy types (including repair drones and a giant mech with a jetpack) as well as a headquarters for the machines, which are capable of deploying shields to defend themselves.

You'll also have some new tricks up your sleeve to keep things interesting. Along with active camouflage, you'll have access to a variety of weapons, such as a flamethrower and stun grenades. New visual effects for weapons and multi-tools are also on the way, so keep an eye out.

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Players can now take advantage of AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution Feature

Hello Games claims that all PC players can now take advantage of an AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution upscaling feature, regardless of which graphics card they are using. Those who own RTX graphics cards that are compatible with NVIDIA's AI-based DLAA anti-aliasing mode can also enable it. In addition, No Man's Sky has been optimized for the upcoming Steam Deck, which includes the addition of touchscreen controls to the game.

No Man's Sky

Hello Games has expanded the game's lore and missions, as well as introduced a new expedition, which rewards players who complete it with a new jetpack customization option. Furthermore, players can now freely rotate build pieces in the build menu, allowing them to construct bases in a variety of configurations. Teleporting between bases and space stations within a single star system is also significantly faster.

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No Man's Sky is currently available for purchase on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. When the game launches on the Nintendo Switch this summer, you should be able to take advantage of all of these features (including, hopefully, touch controls).

Is there a trailer for No Man's Sky?

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