The Gifted is an American superhero television series developed by Matt Nix for Fox, based on Marvel Comics' X-Men characters and set in an alternate reality in which the X-Men have vanished. Nix is the showrunner, and the project is produced by 20th Century Fox Television in collaboration with Marvel Television.
What is there in The Gifted?
When two regular parents learn that their children have mutant powers, they flee the government with their families and join an underground community of mutants fighting for survival. Several members of the underground depart to join the Inner Circle at the end of the first season, and the second season shows the confrontation between both organizations, as well as others with their own radical views.
Following the cancellation of a series based on the Hellfire Club, an X-Men comic franchise, Fox made a put pilot commitment for a separate X-Men themed series in July 2016. The new pilot was for an action-adventure series focused on average parents discovering their children's mutant talents, created by X-Men fan Matt Nix. “Developing a Marvel property has been a key goal for the network—and we are so delighted with how Matt Nix has taken us into this fascinating universe,” stated Fox Entertainment President David Madden.
20th Century Fox Television and Marvel Television are producing the series, with 20th handling physical production and Nix executive producing with X-Men film series producers Bryan Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner, and Simon Kinberg, as well as Marvel Television execs Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory.
“Running on Empty with mutants,” Nix described the series to executives. [56] He used Prezi to construct an extensive presentation that contained photographs of actors he'd changed to appear like mutants, as well as graphics explaining how the series would fit in with the X-Men films and the wider X-Men universe of the comics. According to Loeb, the audience applauded the presentation.
Casting Story and the Cast
The series' “exploratory casting” began in early January 2017, with the process anticipated to “scale up” after the formal pilot pickup. Blair Redford was cast as a mutant leader the next month; Jamie Chung was cast as popular mutant Clarice Fong / Blink; Stephen Moyer was cast as Reed Strucker, a parent and the series' male lead;Sean Teale was cast as Marcos Diaz / Eclipse, a mutant developed just for the series.
Natalie Alyn Lind debuted as Lauren Strucker, one of the series' key characters, in March. Amy Acker as Caitlin Strucker, a mother and the series' female lead; Emma Dumont as mutant Lorna Dane / Polaris; Percy Hynes White as Andy Strucker, another of the central children; Percy Hynes White as Andy Strucker, another of the central children; Acker auditioned with Moyer, who had already been cast; the two did not meet the actors who would play their children, Lind and White, until the pilot episode's table read. Redford's role was confirmed to be John Proudstar / Thunderbird when the series was ordered in May.
In the second season, Moyer, Acker, Teale, Lind, White, Bell, Chung, Redford, and Dumont all reprise their roles. By January 2018, it was being discussed whether Skyler Samuels, who recurred as the Stepford Cuckoos in the first season, would be promoted to series regular for the second, and this was confirmed in June, along with the news that Grace Byers would be joining the series as a series regular in the role of Reeva.
Interesting Things You Cannot Miss out
Blink, played by Fan Bing Bing, featured in the future-set portions of X-Men: Days of Future Past, teleporting about the adversaries and attempting to divert their attention away from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine's time travel operations. Warpath was played by Booboo Stewart, who was also known as Thunderbird in the comics for a short period. Thunderbird was his elder brother, and after he died, he joined the Hellions to exact vengeance.
Neither character has a lot of screen time, dialogue, or characterization, but with Blink and Thunderbird recognized as key cast members, The Gifted should be able to make up for it. Fans of the X-Men will be crossing their fingers that they both survive until the conclusion of the season.
Blink's name comes from her mutation, which allows her to utilise energy to “blink” people and objects to new locations in the comics. Clarice Ferguson (albeit her name is an alias in the current series, in which she is played by Jamie Chung) possesses teleportation powers, although she hasn't always had complete control over them.
Shatter's true identity has never been revealed in the comics, but perhaps we'll learn more about him when he appears in The Gifted as a supporting character. His codename, on the other hand, has a terrible background.
Wrapping Up
So now you know all about “The gifted”, right? So what's your plan for watching it this weekend? Apart from this, it might come with a second part as well. So stay tuned and we will info you all about it.