The Exchange Ending Explained: Does Omar Eventually End Up With Farida?

Discover the journey of Farida and Munira as they navigate the male-dominated world of finance and work to establish their worth. Facing challenges in both their personal and professional lives, the two women rise above adversity and achieve success at the Bank of Tomorrow. Read on for a complete summary and explanation of the first season of The Exchange.

Plot Synopsis

Farida's ex-husband is acting like a typical jerk after the couple split up; he's stopped paying the private school tuition that he had always paid for their daughter. Meanwhile, Farida is forced to attend a charity event, where she gets into an unintentional bidding war with her cousin Munira and ends up paying a high sum for an item.

There's never been any change in their dynamic; they've always been at each other's throats. However, this time around, Farida comes out on the losing end, with no funds left over to pay for her daughter's prolonged education at the British school or to splurge on antiquities for a good cause.

Farida eventually follows in Munira's footsteps and works as a clerical assistant in the stock market, just like Munira. Farida and Munira are the only women trading for Bank of Tomorrow in a stock market dominated by men.

The Exchange Ending Explained

They have to work hard to be recognized for their intelligence and training. They have to put in long hours and demonstrate their worth as professional traders by using their skills in arithmetic and market forecasting.

Farida's work and family life get more complicated when her daughter Nujud enters adolescence and encounters hostility at public school, which her father exploits to win her over. At the same time, Munira faces her own difficulties.

Despite facing prejudice and misogyny, the two women push through and establish their worth by outworking the men. The manager of the Bank of Tomorrow, Saud, has a brief romance with Munira, but he soon becomes consumed by his need for money and the extreme risks he is willing to take to obtain it.

The worst comes to pass when global financial markets crash, and Farida and Munira must help their fellow traders salvage the situation as best they can. Farida makes a split-second call in the midst of the pandemonium that saves Bank of Tomorrow, leading to promotions for both her and her colleague, Munira.

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In the meantime, Farida's family life and financial independence improve, while Munira's perseverance pays off and she is freed from an abusive partner.

The Exchange Ending Explained in detail

Does Omar Eventually End Up With Farida?

Season one of The Exchange doesn't finish with Farida and Omar getting together. Omar makes life difficult for Farida by not paying Jude's tuition after he and Farida have recently split at the beginning of the series.

Upon further prodding from Farida, he reiterates his refusal to pay the tuition and tells her that her father owes money to him as well. Farida is later compelled to change Jude's education from British School to a regular public school.

At Jude's new school, she faces a lot of challenges, including bullying from other girls who pick on her because of her wealth. Her grandfather tries to help, but it doesn't work out. In the meantime, she and her mother have a deteriorating relationship, with tensions rising over time.

The Exchange Ending Explained

However, Jude and her father are on a positive trajectory, spending time together and keeping their relationship a secret from Farida. To get Farida back, Omar uses Jude as leverage by offering to pay for Jude's tuition at British School out of his own pocket if she will resign from her work in the financial market.

Despite the adversity Farida faces at work, she grows and improves as a result of her experiences. At the end of the first season of The Exchange, Farida decides that she values her independence and career more than her relationship with Omar.

She turns down his offer and conditions, rising to a prominent position on the Bank of Tomorrow's board and earning enough to put her kid through a better school.

What Happens to the Relationship Between Munira and Saud?

After Munira and Saud met and became acquainted, tensions between them quickly escalated. At first, Saud is an effective educator; he teaches Munira some valuable lessons about trading, which she absorbs rapidly.

Over time, though, his counsel devolves into the same aggressive, predatory spiel about taking chances to win money and beat the competition. In the meantime, he becomes very demanding of Munira.

Behind her back, he approaches her father and asks for his daughter's hand in marriage. When she tries to buy herself more time to consider her response to Saud's question, he becomes increasingly angry and insistent.

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In The Exchange's final moments, his gambling addiction ultimately claims his life. Meanwhile, Munira and he have a verbal altercation after she learns that he has lied to people about their relationship status, telling them that they are engaged when this is not the case.

Saud suffers a heart attack and is hospitalized as a result of the stock market fall, which affects everyone. Eventually, he decides to step down from his role as manager of Bank of Tomorrow, and Munira is promoted to take his place.