“Seeking Sister Wife,” a popular reality show, started on TLC in 2018 and has shown three seasons of different families in different stages of looking for or bringing in a new sister wife (via The Sun).
Fans of the show know that a “sister wife” is any woman who is married to the same man in more than one relationship. Obviously, each of these marriages has its own problems and drama, which keeps viewers interested and wondering what will happen next in the lives of these different families.
Season 3 of “Seeking Sister Wife” ended in June, and a follow-up tell-all show didn't answer many fans' questions. Is Tami pregnant? Are Snowden and his wife still together? Is Roberta still trapped in Brazil?
After the end of the third season, there were a lot of questions about what would happen next. Here's what we know about Season 4 of “Seeking Sister Wife” and when it will air.
When is Seeking Sister Wife Coming Back?
When it came out in January 2018, Seeking Sister Wife was an instant hit with TLC viewers. Because of how well it did, it was given a fourth season. According to the-sun, The first episode of Season 4 was on June 6, 2022, at 10pm EST. You can watch the show live on TLC or stream it on Hulu.
Season 4 Cast of “Seeking Sister Wife”
In the latest episode of Seeking Sister Wife, there will be five families, three of which are new to the series. Garrick and Dannielle Merrifield are back for another season. They got a legal divorce after 13 years of marriage so that they could bring Roberta, who is from Brazil, into their home in the United States.
Sidian and Tosha Jones are also back to carry on their story with the Merrifield. The press release says that the couple is “still waiting for Roberta to join them in Colorado.” Viewers will be able to see if the couple is able to make their new family work.
Taking a page from Dannielle and Garrick's book, the couple is “long-distance dating potential Filipino sister wife Arielle” as they look for the next person to join their family. Nick, April, and Jennifer Davis are new to the show.
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They are polygamists, but there's an interesting twist: even though both women think of Nick as their husband, Jennifer and April are legally married. Taking Nick's last name as a sign of family unity, the show will follow the trio as they start a family and try to get a third sister to marry one of them.
The Foleys, Steve and Brenda, are also new to the series. The new couple in Season 4 is ready to get back into polygamy, but this time with a potential sister wife who is much younger.
Fans will also get to know Marcus, Taryn, and India Epps. The show will follow the plural family as they try to grow, but not before they go through some growing pains.
Who Isn't Coming Back for Season 4 of “Seeking Sister Wife”?
Fans will see new people on the TLC show this season, but some families won't be back. Ashley and Dimitri Snowden are no longer together.
Last season, they were dating two possible sister wives. Ashley told her followers on Instagram about the breakup in July 2021 by writing, “I'm single and thankful for life.”
After the Snowdens left, Jarod and Vanessa Clark also decided not to come back. Last season, they had a hard time finding a possible sister wife. Colton, Tami, and Sophie, who are part of the Winder family, won't be there either, since they just found out they weren't picked up for season 4.
“As some of you may have seen, we won't be back for Seeking Sister Wife season 4,” the family said in an Instagram post on March 31, 2022. “We can see that the show is going in a different direction, so it makes sense that we weren't brought back.
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We hope the other families do well, and we're thankful to TLC for giving us the chance to tell our story. We'll keep telling it faithfully and honestly on our social media.
First Look: This Season on Seeking Sister Wife
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Seeking Sister Wife on Hulu?
Seeking Sister Wife on TLC is available on Hulu Live TV as part of their package. After signing up, the service costs $69.99 per month.
Will Seeking Sister Wife Return in 2022?
Due to the huge success of the first three seasons, Seeking Sister Wife is back for a fourth round. Some of the old cast members will return to bring back the old drama, and some new cast members will make their debuts this season. The new season of the popular TLC show will start on Monday, June 6, 2022, at 10 p.m. ET.