My Money Don’t Jiggle Jiggle Original: It’s a Typical Tiktok Trend

TikTok, like the rest of us, was troubled by the leaked draught majority Supreme Court opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade. TikTok users organized a Mother's Day strike and spread abortion information.

But that doesn't mean we didn't indulge in some good ol' escapism on the app this week, so without further ado, here are some of the best TikTok dances and trends of the week.

The Money Don't Jiggle Jiggle

One of TikTok's most popular songs has unusual origins. The “my money doesn't jiggle jiggle” jingle, which has become so popular that the Riverdale girls made a video to it, is an autotuned clip of British-American journalist Louis Theroux on Chicken Shop Date with Amelia Dimoldenberg.

A YouTube series in which Dimoldenberg conducts charmingly awkward interviews that resemble the first date. In the conversation, Theroux recalls writing a rap song for an episode of Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends in 2000.

My Money Don T Jiggle Jiggle Original

On March 16, the producers @dukeandjones added autotune and backup music to footage of Theroux rapping as part of their TikTok series “Adding autotune to odd vids.” Their take on the video had over 43 million views and nearly 6 million likes. Like any successful TikTok song, @jessqualter quickly created a dance for it.

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The two pals execute the modest dance that immediately acquired popularity in the original dance video. Their video has received over 33 million and 4.5 million likes. Over 1.2 million videos have used the tune. But the music isn't just for dancing; it's the go-to tune for every TikTok and will undoubtedly get stuck in your mind.

The Best Part of This Plan is That No One Can Stop Me

TikTok users are posting things that no one can stop them from doing, which is an obvious combo with an animation of a gigantic bee. They're using audio from April 2020, which was first posted by @charlie.mosey.

The soundbite consists of a distorted voice saying, “The finest aspect of this plan is that no one can stop me,” followed by dramatic music. Over 224,000 videos have used the audio.

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The song's current trend has a giant bee flying across the screen with a stunning sunset in the background. @eddyin3d made the animation, which is appropriately titled “little bee.” Over 335,000 videos contain the effect.

It's a Typical Tiktok Trend in Which Creators Overshare in the Hopes of Going Viral

It's a typical TikTok habit in which creators overshare in the hopes of going viral. @lilnazf's video, “Me otw to LinkedIn to see if I can discover my dating app match's last name so I can find him on social and see if I truly want to commit to the chat,” is one of the trend's funnier versions.

My Money Don T Jiggle Jiggle Original

Then there's @angelica.t01's video, where she says, “me omw to get another concert ticket without first checking my money account or my schedule, and without knowing how I would get there. I don't care if I only know two of the artist's songs or their entire repertoire. Knowing that even if I've seen the artist 292727 times before, I'll still go.”