Shinichi Fukuda is the author and illustrator of the Japanese manga series My Dress-Up Darling, which is also known by its Japanese title Sono Bisuku Dru wa Koi o Suru, which translates to “That Bisque Doll Falls in Love.”
At the time of its compilation in nine volumes in March 2022, it had been serialised in Square Enix's Young Gangan since January 2018 and was published there. From January through March 2022, a CloverWorks-produced anime television series aired.
When Will My Dress-up Darling: Season 2 Be Released?
According to culturedvultures, Unfortunately, no official release date for My Dress-Up Darling: Season 2 has been announced. Despite its success, CloverWorks has yet to announce a second season. You should not, however, give up hope just yet.
On September 27, 2022, My Dress-Up Darling will host a spectacular event. It will include the main cast's voice actors, as well as the performers of the opening and closing theme songs.
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However, the event will only be held in Japan, and there is no word on whether it will be live-streamed. Nonetheless, this event is ideal for them to launch the second season of My Dress-Up Darling.
My Dress-up Darling Season 2 Plot
In My Dress, The main plot of Darling is quite simple and focuses on Wakana Gojo and Marin Kitagawa's daily encounters.
Being a slice-of-life anime with comedic and romantic undertones, the show's subject matter is immediately apparent.
Despite having the typical anime twist, the show is fairly realistic and based on real-world occurrences.
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High school freshman Wakana Gojo wants to focus on creating Hina dolls. One day during his first semester, he is working in the school's dressmaking room when Marine Kitagawa, a popular classmate, spots him creating doll costumes.
My Dress-Up Darling Inspires Season 2 Dreams With Fall Anime Event
My Dress-up Darling May Be Gearing Ready for a Second Season, Since It Has Announced a Unique New Anime Event for the Brand Coming This Fall! Shinichi Fukuda's Original Manga Franchise Made Its Anime Debut as Part of the Winter 2022 Anime Lineup and Rapidly Became the Season's Most Talked-about New Series.
It Ended Its Run With No Word on a Potential Second Season Continuation, but There's a Very Likely Chance That We'll Get Some News on a Second Season as Well Since the Series is Planning a Special New Event to Honour the Anime's Popularity With Fans.
My Dress-Up Darling has announced on its official website and Twitter account that a special event for the anime would be held in Japan on September 17th later this year. My Dress-Up Darling is a new event.
Eh~?! It's OMG insane to see you all!, will feature Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojo's actors, Hina Sugata and Shoya Ishige, as well as the artists behind the theme songs, but there is no news on whether it will be available to the general public outside of Japan.
Dress Up Darling Season 2 Trailer
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Season 2 Be Released for My Dress-up Darling?
If Your Browser Has Javascript Turned Off, Try Watching This Video on or Enable It. No Plans for My Dress-up Darling Season 2 Have Been Made Public as of Yet. The First Season Did Incredibly Well, and There is Still a Tonne of Manga Remaining to Adapt, So Supporters Anticipate One Will Be Produced Eventually.
Is My Dress-up Darling Cancelled?
Was My Dress-up Date With Darling Cancelled? Some Fans Feel the Series Was Terminated Due to a Lack of Popularity and the Fact That It Ended After Only 12 Episodes, With No Episode 13 Scheduled for April 2, 2022. However, the Series Was Always Intended to Have Only 12 Episodes, One Season, and Was Never Cancelled.
What Chapter Did My Dress-up Darling End on?
The Final Episode of My Dress-up Darling Season 1 Covers Chapters 37 to 39 of the Manga. If You Want to Know What Occurs Next, You Should Start Reading Chapter 40.