Fans of dystopian anime have flocked to the Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers, also known as Magical Destroyers. The story takes place in a dystopian future where the otaku subculture no longer exists. Through their trials and tribulations, Otaku Hero, Anarchy, Blue, and Pink try to protect Japan's Otaku culture from the SSC.
The intriguing premise of the first season has left many waiting for the second. The question of whether or not Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers will return for a second season remains unanswered. The show has an intriguing premise, but a renewal for a second season has not been announced.
Fans are left wondering if the show will be revived or canceled by the production company. This article delves into everything we know about the upcoming second season of Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers. Get comfortable, grab some snacks, and let's find out if these oddball characters will be back for a second thrilling season.
Overview Of Magical Destroyer Season 2
Season Name | Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers |
English Name | Magical Destroyers |
No. of Seasons | 1 |
No. of Episode | 12 (S01) |
Written by | Daishiro Tanimura |
Directed by | Hiroshi Ikehata |
Genre | Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy |
Voiced By | Takehito Koyasu, Kôki Uchiyama, Makoto Furukawa |
Production House | Bibury Animation Studios |
Music by | Gin Hashiba |
Country | Japan |
Language | Japanese |
Available Languages | Japanese, English |
First Episode | Apr 08, 2023 (S01 Ep01) |
Last Episode | Jun 24, 2023 (S01 Ep12) |
Season 2 Release Date | Mentioned Below |
Run Time | 30 Min. |
Available On | Crunchyroll |
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Magical Destroyers Season 2 Release Date
A second season of Magical Destroyers hasn't been confirmed by the show's creators or the studio. But there are hints that a second season might be in the works.
Also, both fans and critics liked the anime, which has a high rating of 4.3 out of 5 on Crunchyroll 2 and an average score of 8.1 out of 10 on MyAnimeList. Due to its popularity and demand, it is likely that the anime will get another season.
If we assume that season 2 will have a similar production schedule to season 1, which aired from April to June 2023, then we can expect season 2 to start airing in the spring or summer of 2024. But this is just a guess, and we have to wait for official confirmation from the right people.
Plot Of Magical Destroyers Season 2
The original anime series Magical Destroyers was made by Jun Inagawa, and Bibury Animation Studios did the animation. It takes place in a dystopian, near-future Japan where most people have been brainwashed by a mysterious group called the SSC to accept the destruction of otaku culture.
At the end of Season 1, there was a cliffhanger because Anarchy and her friends got into the SSC headquarters and confronted Shobon, who was in charge of the SSC. But they were shocked to find out that Shobon was actually Kyotaro, a strange floating mascot creature that had been with them the whole way. Kyotaro told everyone that he was actually a computer program made by the SSC to control and watch the otaku resistance.
He also told them that he had put bombs inside their bodies that would go off if they tried to get away or hurt him. Kyotaro was getting ready to carry out his final plan to get rid of all traces of otaku culture in Japan, but Anarchy wouldn't give up. She said she would fight for her freedom and her friends.
Most likely, season 2 will pick up where season 1 left off, with Anarchy and her friends trying to get out of Kyotaro's trap and stop his evil plan. Along the way, they will also have to deal with new enemies and challenges, as well as find out more about their pasts and what they want. Will they be able to save Japan from tyranny and bring back Otaku culture? Or will Kyotaro's strange game make them lose?
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Cast Of Magical Destroyers Season 2
The main cast of Magical Destroyers season 1 is expected to reprise their roles in season 2. They are:
Actor/Actress | Character | Description |
Makoto Furukawa | Otaku Hero | An unnamed otaku who leads the revolution against the SSC. |
Fairouz Ai | Anarchy / Kirara Akabane | An ill-tempered magical girl who wields a staff with the Anarchy symbol embedded at the end of it. |
Aimi | Blue / Blueberry Ai Kanda | An extremely horny magical girl with a love of surströmming who wields an odd-shaped scythe. |
Tomoyo Kurosawa | Pink | A magical girl who hides behind a gasmask and speaks in a verbal tic that only Blue seems to understand. |
Tomori Kusunoki | Kyotaro / Shobon | A strange floating mascot creature is actually an artificial intelligence created by the SSC. |
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Trailer Of Magical Destroyer Season 2
There is no official trailer for Magical Destroyers season 2 yet. However, you can watch the trailer for season 1. CLICK HERE to watch the trailer for season 1
Where To Watch Magical Destroyer
The first season of Magical Destroyers can be viewed in its entirety on Crunchyroll, with subtitles available in a number of different languages. It also has a license from Plus Media Networks Asia, which allows it to be streamed in Southeast Asian countries.
There is currently no official information available regarding the streaming platform that will be used for season 2, but it is highly likely that it will be available on the same platforms as season 1.
Rating And Reviews Of Magical Destroyer
Because Magical Destroyers is an original anime, it is difficult to speculate how much further the story will progress after watching episode 12 of the series. On the other hand, based on what has been shown in the first three episodes, there has been satisfactory development of the story's plot, characters, and world-building.
I believe that Magical Destroyers has the potential to become the unexpected hit of the season if it keeps progressing at this rate and if the animation and art direction continues to be of this caliber.
The action-comedy-fantasy-satire that makes up Magical Destroyers is something you won't find in any other anime. It's a love letter to the otaku subculture and a scathing attack on oppression and repression. It has a lively and dynamic animation style, a fast-paced and unpredictable plot, and a colorful and eccentric cast of characters.
All you anime, manga, and gaming nerds out there need to check this out. The second season, we hope, will continue the high quality and entertaining storytelling of the first, while also bringing the story to a satisfying conclusion. We look forward to the second season being announced and made available as soon as possible.