I Hate Christmas Review: Netflix in Italy created the TV show I Hate Christmas, which stars Pilar Fogliati, Beatrice Arnera, Cecilia Bertozzi, Fiorenza Pieri, and Massimo Rigo. The story follows Gianna, a dedicated nurse who has reached the big 3-0 without a significant other. Members of Gianna's family worry that she will always be lonely. So Gianna, feeling the heat, fabricates a lover & says she'll bring him to Christmas dinner with the family. With less than a month to go, Gianna must hurry up & locate her prince charming.
I Hate Christmas Movie Story
Gianna, a caring nurse, is feeling anxious because Christmas is approaching. Like last year, she's going through another year of being a singleton while dodging her mother's incessant questions about her dating life. Except for her, every one of her siblings has found love & started a family.
She tells her mom she has a date for Christmas this year so she can appease her. She's used deception to get out of sticky situations, but now she's determined to find love in the countdown to Christmas. Gianna is helped on her journey by her sister Margherita and her pals Caterina & Didi.
With the intention of meeting new people, Gianna tries her hand at a wide variety of pastimes. She meets some men who are completely incompatible with her, as well as some who are nearly ideal yet test her to her limits. Time is of the essence as she searches for the ideal partner.
I Hate Christmas Cast Performance
As Gianna, Pilar Fogliati steals the show & rightfully so. Fogliati successfully conveys Gianna's desperation & sense of humor, but she has trouble giving the character any depth emotionally. For instance, the scenes in which Gianna interacts with her father & describes what she seeks in a partner aren't particularly memorable.
Beatrice Arnera, who plays Gianna's confidante Didi/Titti & Fiorenza Pieri, who portrays Gianna's sister Margherita, both bring impressive strength to their roles. They make a good pair & their connection is easy to see. Caterina, played by Cecilia Bertozzi, is not so lucky. However, her screen time is restricted despite her inclusion in the same group.
I Hate Christmas Review
The new holiday series on Netflix is, in general, just another sad attempt to find love around the holidays. While we have heard this tale before, at least the previous examples had a nice conclusion. In this case, it is never revealed who else attends Christmas with Gianna. There is no purpose in watching the show at this moment unless and until a renewal for a second season is confirmed.
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