The USDT cryptocurrency is issued by Tether and is a stablecoin, a coin with a stable value. It is always equal to 1 US dollar (1-2% fluctuations are possible). USDT is the most popular stablecoin today, with a market capitalization of over $58 billion.
Tether was initially launched on the Bitcoin blockchain using the Omni protocol. Today it works in more than ten blockchain networks. The most popular standard is ERC-20 (Ethereum network). When choosing options for exchanging usdt to bnb, you need to consider this, as the selected exchange or wallet may not support less popular standards.
All ways to exchange Tether (USDT) for fiat or cryptocurrencies
Crypto exchanges
The procedure for exchanging Tether (USDT) on a cryptocurrency exchange:
- Register and pass identity verification. Verification may not be required if you do not plan to use fiat.
- Top up your account in the desired cryptocurrency or fiat.
- In the trading section, select the desired pair, for example, BTC / USDT, or, for example, sand to matic.
- Create a buy/sell order.
- Many exchanges also provide the ability to quickly buy coins from a card or swap one crypto for another using a built-in exchanger.
- If necessary, withdraw cryptocurrency/fiat from the exchange to a personal wallet.
The procedure for exchanging Tether (USDT) in the exchanger:
- Choose an exchanger with the most favorable rate (using monitoring).
- Specify the currency you are giving away.
- Specify the currency to receive.
- Enter the amount to exchange within limits. The maximum amount is usually limited only by the reserves available to the exchange.
- Enter your details and details.
- Submit an exchange request.
- Pay for the application. The exchanger will issue the details, and you need to transfer funds to them within a certain period (in most exchangers, this is given 15-20 minutes).
- Wait for the receipt of payment to the specified details from the exchanger.
Payment systems
The procedure for exchanging Tether (USDT) through payment systems:
- Register in the electronic payment system, and go through verification, if necessary.
- Fund your account with fiat or cryptocurrency.
- Make a swap between your accounts.
- You can withdraw the final result to an external account/wallet address.
The procedure for exchanging Tether (USDT) through crypto wallets:
- Install a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet.
- Write down the recovery phrase or save the key file in a safe place.
- Then there are two ways. The first is to go to the card purchase section and pay USDT in fiat currency, after which the tokens will be credited to the wallet address.
- The second is to go to the exchange section and trade one cryptocurrency for another, for example, Bitcoin for USDT or vice versa.
p2p platforms
The procedure for exchanging Tether (USDT) through p2p exchangers:
- Register, if necessary, and verify your identity.
- Select the coin of interest – USDT.
- Go to the desired section – “Buy” or “Sell.”
- Select a suitable offer from another user, focusing on the following factors: counterparty reputation, trade rate, trading limits, and supported payment methods.
- Click the “Buy” or “Sell” button.
- The next steps depend on the type of operation. If you buy USDT with fiat, you will need to transfer money to the account provided by the seller. The cryptocurrency will be transferred to you when he confirms the payment. If you want to sell tokens, then, on the contrary, you will have to give your details, wait for the payment and confirm it, after which your tokens will be sent to the buyer.