Few villains in anime and manga are as meticulously developed as Meruem, the principal antagonist of the acclaimed series “Hunter x Hunter.” His transformation from a cruel king to a character with complex emotions and a profound feeling of growth enthralled onlookers. However, Meruem's eventual destiny marked a sad and emotional moment in the story. In this article, we explore the circumstances leading to Meruem's demise and the emotional impact it had on fans.
Who Is Meruem?
Meruem is introduced in the Chimera Ant Arc as the Chimera Ant Queen's most powerful child. Meruem is hence known as the King of Chimera Ants. In the Hunter x Hunter manga and anime, he is the main adversary during the Chimera Ant Arc.
He is a hybrid species that is still humanoid. Despite his appearance and behavior, he is only 40 days old, which corresponds to bugs rather than human life cycles. Meruem's personality is mostly nasty and proud, yet he does have some redeeming qualities. He's also highly intelligent and quick to learn.
As his death approaches at the end of Meruem's character arc, we get to witness his more vulnerable side, as well as his capacity to accept defeat with considerable dignity, making him a fairly compelling enemy.
How Did Meruem Die?
Fortunately for him, his guards find him after the device goes off and treat his injuries. He tries to recall the events but ends up thinking about Gungi due to his partial amnesia.
Meruem had left Pitou to heal Komugi when she was injured before to the Netero's battle invitation. Pitou had to make some alterations to the plan after Gon and Killua arrived. Killua and Palm hold Komugi as a prisoner while Gon takes Pitou to “heal” Kite's severely injured body. However, Killua eventually abandons Komugi and Palm to find Gon.
When Meruem returns to the palace, one of his Royal Guards, Shaiapouf, makes an effort to help Meruem forget Komugi's existence entirely. Unfortunately, this does not work out for him. He understands Pouf is keeping something from him and demands to know what it is. They began coughing up blood all of a sudden.
It is then shown that Netero's final attack was not in vain but had a purpose. Poison was released as a result of the explosion. Youpi, the third Royal Guard, dies unknowingly. When Meruem inquires about Youpi's death, Ant Welfin informs the King that he had nothing to do with it. When Meruem discovers that Welfin was aware of the secret Pouf was keeping, he emits a deadly aura. Welfin, terrified, then says Komugi's name. Meruem remembers everything as a result of this.
Meruem realizes that his time is running out soon after Pouf dies as a result of the poison. His one and only wish is to be with Komugi. When he meets Palm, he virtually begs her to accompany him to Komugi, despite the knowledge that humans are superior to his own species. Palm finally lets him go to Komugi after much deliberation and tears.
When they eventually meet, they plan to play Gungi. He introduces himself to her before the game. After a while, he watches Komugi crying and realizes that she does not deserve the bliss she is experiencing at the moment. Meruem warns her about the poison, saying that it will damage her as well, and asks her to leave. Komugi, on the other hand, remains.
As the effects begin to take effect, Meruem informs Komugi that he will be taking a break and asks her to hold his hand. He then asks her whether she wants to stick by his side, to which she says yes. Taking his name for the final time, she bids him good night, and after thanking her, Meruem dies in her arms, followed by her, resulting in the demise of one of anime's greatest antagonists.
Who Killed Meruem?
Meruem was slain indirectly by Isaac Netero, the Hunter Association's 12th Chair. Prior to Meruem's death, the two had fought, with Meruem initially having the upper hand.
Meruem might as well have won and killed Netero if Netero had not shown self-sacrifice. Instead, Netero used drastic measures to win. Netero was carrying Rose Bomb components inside his body. Netero pierced his own heart to ignite the Rose Bomb and slay Meruem, demonstrating humanity's tenacity and tenacious spirit.
Meruem was critically hurt on the spot. He did, however, survive the attack at the time. Because the bomb was poisonous, Meruem could not survive in the long run.
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