How Did Littlefinger Die on Game of Thrones?

“Game of Thrones,” a cultural phenomenon renowned for its intricate plots and memorable characters, bids farewell to one of its most cunning and manipulative figures, Petyr Baelish, commonly known as Littlefinger. As a central player in the political intrigues of Westeros, his demise marked a pivotal moment in the series.

In this article, we delve into the events that led to Littlefinger's demise and the culmination of his intricate schemes.

How Did Littlefinger Die?

Littlefinger was killed off in the Game of Thrones season seven finale on Sunday night. Sansa Stark summoned Arya to the royal room for what seemed to be a showdown about Arya's suspected plotting against her sister. However, Sansa immediately revealed that it was Littlefinger who was on trial.

She accused Littlefinger of murdering their aunt Lysa Arryn, conspiring to murder their uncle Jon Arryn, and treason by holding a knife to Ned Stark's throat and attempting to slay Bran.

 When Lord Baelish shared his visions, the new Three-Eyed Raven, who was curiously absent from the previous episode when the Stark sisters battled, gave only the proof needed to convict him. Sansa pronounced Littlefinger guilty, and Arya slit his throat.

How Did Littlefinger Die

Littlefinger's death was foreshadowed throughout the season. Though Sansa appeared to seek advice from Littlefinger after a disagreement with Arya over Sansa's secret desire to rule the North and Arya's newfound talents as an assassin, Sansa repeatedly reminded Arya, Jon, Bran, and Brienne that she did not trust Littlefinger.

The most significant hint concerning Littlefinger's death came at the Stark reunion earlier in the season. Sansa, Arya, and Bran discussed the Valyrian steel dagger, a weapon that would undoubtedly be used to kill someone by the end of the season. Despite exchanging painfully little information, the three siblings agreed that Lord Baelish must be attempting to influence them.

The dagger became a symbol of that bond among the surviving Starks. Its return served as a reminder that Littlefinger had been plotting against the family since he provided the weapon to Bran's would-be assassin in season one. 

And the dagger was passed among the Stark children, from Bran to Arya to Sansa, as a symbol of their trust in one another. They would not use the dagger against each other but rather against their genuine adversary.

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Even one of the season 7 trailers hinted at Littlefinger's end. In one of the trailers, Sansa says, “The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” The Starks must look out for one another, as revealed in the final episode. In this final episode following Littlefinger's death, Sansa repeats the statement to Arya.

Though Lord Baelish's demise was a long time coming—and one of the few moments of schadenfreude the show provided this season—he was one of the last players to play the Game of Thrones using cunning and lies rather than raw force. He will be missed as a formidable foe to the good folks.

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