‘The Andy Warhol Diaries,' directed by Andrew Rossi, is a Netflix docuseries. Based on Pat Hackett's eponymous memoir, it delves into the talented artist's life and times while also shedding light on the lesser-known facets of his connections.
One of his most public relationships was with Jon Gould; however, the couple said very little about their relationship in public. Want to learn more about Warhol's delightful companion? Let's find out more about him together.
Who was Jon Gould?
Jon Gould was born in Amesbury, Massachusetts, and attended New England College before graduating in June 1977. After briefly working in the Rolling Stones' advertising department, he was employed by Paramount in 1978.
Jon, then 27, met Warhol in November 1980 through a mutual friend, famed photographer Christopher Makos. Warhol and his 12-year-old lover, Jed Johnson, divorced in December 1980.
The next day, he sent a dozen red roses to Jon's office and continued to do so until the latter instructed him to stop due to “embarrassment.”
The majority of Jon's knowledge comes from Warhol's posthumously published memoir ‘The Andy Warhol Diaries,' as well as his close collaborators and friends. Christopher, AKA Chris, played Cupid for Warhol, according to Bob Colacello, the editor of ‘Interview magazine and a friend of the artist.
He met Jon at a public bath, introduced him to Warhol, and eventually persuaded him to date the icon.
On April 16, 1981, Warhol wrote in his diary, “And then I decide that I should try to fall in love, and that's what I'm doing now with Jon Gould, but then it's just too hard.” I mean, you think about someone all the time, and it's just a fantasy; it's not real, and then it becomes so involved that you have to see them all the time, and it ends up being just a job like anything else, so I don't know.
But Jon is a terrific guy to fall in love with because he has a career, and I can collaborate on movie ideas with him. Perhaps he can persuade Paramount to advertise in the interview as well. Right? So my crush on him will be beneficial to my business.”
Though Jon was attracted to Warhol, he was reticent in public about their relationship. According to the Netflix production, he was concerned about being depicted as a homosexual guy in the media because of the taboo surrounding the LGBTQ+ community at the time.
Furthermore, he believed that the truth about his and Warhol's relationship would have an impact on his career. Thus, to the rest of the world, Jon Gould remained a heterosexual man who seemed to be only a friend of the artist during their public appearances.
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According to the documentary, Warhol was also captivated by Jon's ability to mask his true sexuality in public. In private, he and the artist quickly began spending time together on family ski trips and social gatherings.
Despite this, Jon requested not to mention him in the journals and acted distantly when it came to a meaningful commitment. Furthermore, when he traveled to Los Angeles for employment, the pair drifted apart a little.
How Did Jon Gould Die?
When Jon was hospitalized in February 1984 owing to pneumonia, things took a fatal turn. Despite his dread of hospitals since his 1968 shooting, Warhol paid daily visits to Jon in the hospital until he was freed on March 7, 1984.
Jon's health deteriorated after he returned home, and he eventually relocated to Los Angeles. He and Warhol divorced in 1985, and the artist had a difficult time coming to terms with the breakup.
Jon Gould died on September 18, 1986, at the age of thirty-three, following a long illness. It was eventually discovered that he had AIDS, which he did not reveal to anyone until the very end.
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Pat Hackett established this in Warhol's book in 1989, via an editor's remark she included. Jon's mother, Harriett Gould, died in 2016, and the family property near Amesbury was auctioned off in 2017.
Several artworks, images, and letters exchanged by Jon and Warhol were uncovered, which aided in the development of their love story. Jay Gould expressed surprise at the extent of his brother's affection for Warhol after reading some of the love notes and poetry Jon wrote for the artist.