In the new third season of the Netflix movie You, it is revealed that the murderer Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti) is sending texts to her brother Forty's phone. This is an interesting turn of events.
Love is now married to lovelorn serial killer Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley), and the two are raising their son Henry in the seemingly idyllic town of Madre Linda in Northern California.
However, Love still needs to tell her brother her deepest secrets, but he doesn't answer her texts because he is, well, dead.
Fans of You will remember that in the second season, Joe met Love in Los Angeles and became obsessed with her.
He wasn't as interested in her twin brother Forty (James Scully), who was an aspiring writer, producer, and director who had problems with drugs and ran the family grocery store where Love and Joe both worked.
Joe and Forty finally became friends, and Forty even told Joe that when he was a teenager, he had blacked out and killed his au pair, who had given him drugs and almost sexually assaulted him.
But things between the friends took a strange turn when Forty gave Joe a crazy LSD night, and their friendship got even more confusing when Forty started to think Joe might have killed his girlfriend Beck in New York.
How Did Forty Die in You?
Forty is a character whose story arc made a lot of You viewers feel a wide range of feelings.
When he is first introduced, Forty seems like a person who likes to party is annoyingly self-important, and acts like a brat.
He also seems to depend too much on his sister, whose name is also unusual: “Love.”
But he soon becomes one of the few people who first thinks Joe is a killer and then almost confirms it. And in the last episode of the season, Forty faces Joe with a gun.
Detective Fincher shoots Forty just as he is about to kill the main character of the show.
If you think it's kind of lame that Forty waited so long, as is usual on TV, to give an angry speech before getting up the courage to stop Joe from being scared, you're right.
But because of his strangely close relationship with Love and the fact that she was dating Joe, Forty wanted to convince his sister that Joe was a horrible person before he actually killed him.
But it didn't turn out well for Forty. Even though Joe tells Ellie that he killed Henderson and that she is the only person he tells this to, Detective Fincher says that Forty is the most likely killer.
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Even though Henderson has a bad past with young girls, there seems to be more than enough evidence to suggest that Ellie had a good reason to clean Henderson's clock.
What Happened in You Season 2?
You is based on Caroline Kepnes's 2014 best-selling book of the same name. Kepnes is also one of the show's writers.
In the first season, Penn Badgley's character, Joe Goldberg, goes to great lengths, including murder, to get the attention of Elizabeth Lail's character, Guinevere Beck, a promising author.
Love Quinn is in Season 2, and she turns out to be a killer as well.
Joe thinks that Love is the woman of his dreams, but she turns out to be very different from what he expected.
“Love” shows that she and Joe are the same person, says Cinema Blend. They will kill if they think it's necessary.”
While Joe was in a box, Love told him that she had killed more than one person. In fact, she killed Candace (Amber Childers) after she brought Love to Joe's secret lair, where Delihah's body is kept.
She also said that she had killed Delilah. “Joe is shocked, and as Penn Badgley says, he quickly turns against her,” says Cinema Blend.
“When she opens the door to the cage, he almost kills her. When she tells him she's pregnant, he stops right away.
“Joe is surprised and doesn't hurt her. Then they tried to get together again. Love thinks that Joe and she have really made up. But his description of You tells viewers something else.”
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The show ends with Joe and Love living together in a house while Joe watches the neighbor.
Is Forty in You Season 3?
Even though Forty is dead, he shows up (in a way) in season three. First, Love sends text messages to the phone of her dead brother as a way to deal with the stress of being married, a mother, and a murderer.
Later, when Love goes on a retreat with her mother, Lottie, who creepily calls Love's son Forty instead of Henry, she imagines that Forty is with her and gives her advice.