Folklore is an anthology horror show that debuted on HBO Asia on October 7, 2018. It was given another season on December 1, 2020.
What is Season 2 of Folklore About?
A different filmmaker makes each episode from a foreign Asian country, and the stories they tell are based on Folklore, myths, and superstitions from their own countries.
What Happens in Season 2 of Folklore?
Folklore's new season starts with “The Rope,” a story from Taiwan about a newlywed couple who meet at a funeral procession for a suicide victim. In the second episode, a Japanese high school student meets her idol, and strange things happen around her.
In the following season, there will be six episodes, four of which will have stories from Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore.
What is the Release Date of Season 2 of Folklore?
On October 6, the second season of Folklore came out.
What is the Cast of Season 2 of Folklore?
Folklore Season 2 has a cast from all over Asia, just like Season 1. Some of the big names on the bill are:
- Kazuki Kitamura
- Bront Palarae
- Aimee Saras
- Eric Fuzi
- Aric Hidir Amin
- Marissa Anita
- Vivian Sung
- Kang Ren Wu
Where Can I Stream Folklore?
Folklore episodes are available to watch on Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+.
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Folklore Season 2 Episodes
There are a total of 6 episodes in Season 2.
“The Rope” by Shih-Han Liao, Taiwan
“The Day the Wind Blew” by Seiko Matsuda, Japan
“Broker of Death” by Sittisiri Mongkolsiri, Thailand
“7 Days of Hell” by Erik Matti, The Philippines1
“Grandma’s Kiss” by Billy Christian, Indonesia
“The Excursion” by Nicole Midori Woodford, Singapore
Is Season 2 of Folklore Worth Watching?
Many people in Asia are very spiritual and believe in things that can't be explained, which affects their work. If you like Asian horror movies, you'll love the six stories in Folklore, but you might have trouble finding something new. But if you've never seen a continental genre movie before, this is a great place to start.
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