Entrevias is a Spanish thriller drama television series which is created by Aitor Gabilondo and David Bermejo. The Series was originally broadcast on Telecinco, a Spanish Channel on February 1, 2022.
In the series”Entrevas,” the actor portrays Tirso, a retired soldier who owns a local hardware store and is required to provide financial support for his disobedient granddaughter Irene.
When The Entrevias Season 3 Will Be Released?
The show's second season, which premiered on Netflix on March 1 of 2023, introduced to the mysteries and conflicts already present while once more establishing the show's popularity with viewers.
Season 3 of “Entrevas” has not yet been released, but it is anticipated to air in the second half of 2023 and to be available on Netflix in 2024. Filming on the new season of the show started in February 2023, and Mediaset confirmed its renewal in November 2022.
Recap Of Entrevías’: Season 2
In this season, Tirso has prepared himself for what might seem like a difficult challenge: taming the wild adolescent Elaine, who keeps him on his toes. Elaine's doubtful decisions are where it all starts. Tirso's so-called family has arranged a surprise party for him on his birthday, but the old man is else occupied. Tirso's home is in The Block, a rough neighborhood where rowdy adolescents appear everywhere. And he can't handle that which is because he shoos them, uses a gun, an actual gun.
Tirso is not familiar with modern culture and he opposes the friendship with his granddaughter Elaine. Tirso's misunderstanding increases when she is discovered in possession of drugs in the middle of the night in The Block. Despite saving Elaine and keeping her hidden from her parents, Tirso does inform them about the incident of Elaine . Tirso keeps Elaine in his apartment when Elaine's parents, Ivan and Jemina, attempt to transfer their daughter to a boarding school due to this. then, Elaine's training begins.
When Elaine refuses to provide the information when Tirso wants to know, he dumps the full 1-kg packet of drugs in the sink. The cranky old guy does that, Elaine and her boyfriend Nelson are in trouble with the drug lords. Now Nelson and Elaine must make a decision, but before they could, something negative happened in their lives.
Who Will The Part Of Entrevias Season 3?
As of now, the cast of season 3 is not revealed, but here you will get to know about he main cast of Entrvias Series.
- José Coronado as Tirso Abantos, who is a retired “war hero” (while Spanish Army 3rd Company commander during NATO peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina) and runs a hardware store.
- Luis Zahera as Ezequiel Fandiño, a street-smart cop who is protective of Gladys and Nelson, and warns Amanda that a new crime lord will always move in while he secretly using his work for Sandro to prevent crime from getting worse.
- Nona Sobo as Irene Sánchez Abantos, Tirso's 17-year-old adopted Vietnamese granddaughter, who stole a kg of heroin from crime boss Sandro
- Felipe Londoño as Nelson Gutiérrez.
- Laura Ramos as Gladys, Nelson's Colombian mother.
- Manolo Caro as Sanchís, Tirso's friend and former 3rd Company soldier.
- Itziar Atienza as Amanda Martos, an idealistic police inspector commanding, and working closely with, Ezequiel.
- María de Nati as Nata, a female teenaged friend of Nelson's.
Is Trailer Of The Entrevias Season 3 Available?
We will be able to see the Entrevias season 3 trailer fairly soon if the series' will aired in Spain in a few months. Here, you can watch the official trailer of the series, and the video lnk is given below:
Although season 3 of “Entrevias ” renewal is confirmed and the filming of the season is started, but the release date of the series Entrevias Season 3 is not confirmed yet. Once any official release date announced, we will update you.