Since its 2019 debut, the drama TV series Euphoria has amassed a large fanbase thanks to its compelling storyline and characters. The show follows a diverse group of high school students as they deal with issues like love, sex, drugs, and self-discovery.
Angus Cloud's portrayal of Fezco, a recurring villain, has made him a fan favorite. However, fans are left wondering, does Fezco die in Euphoria? In this article, we will explore the character of Fezco and discuss whether he meets his demise in the show.
Who is Fezco?
Fezco is a drug dealer and a good friend of the show's protagonist, Rue Bennett. Fans love him because he has a magnetic personality and is fiercely loyal to his pals. Fezco is shown to have a good nature and a willingness to help others despite his profession as a drug dealer. His relationship with Rue is complicated, and their exchanges are often fraught.
Fezco's Journey in Euphoria
In Euphoria, Fezco experiences ups and downs as he tries to make it in the dangerous world of drug dealing while still staying connected to the people he cares about. Fezco is consistently portrayed as a trustworthy friend to Rue throughout the show.
He also reveals a softer side, especially toward his younger brother, for whom he has tremendous affection. Fezco's involvement in the drug trade, however, puts him in the path of harm on a regular basis due to the customers and competitors he must face.
Fezco is also shown to have a troubled history with his supplier, Mouse, who is constantly pressuring him to increase drug sales. When one of Fezco's clients robs a drug lord in the first season, Fezco is put in a dangerous position and must recover the loot to protect himself and his family.
As a result, Fezco and the drug lord get into a heated exchange, culminating in the drug lord holding Fezco at gunpoint. Although his demise is not shown on screen, it is strongly implied that he dies.
One of the most interesting and touching plots in the series is Fezco's ordeal in Euphoria. His relationships with those around him are central to his development as a multifaceted protagonist.
Fezco is shown to have a good character despite his involvement in the drug world. His loyalty to his friends and family is unwavering.
Does Fezco Die in Euphoria?
There was no sign of Fez's death in the Euphoria season 2 finale. But no matter how you shake it, he's in rough shape. After Custer was killed by Ashtray, Fez realized there was no way to win.
With the police on their way, his initial reaction was to take the blame for Ashtray, even though he had already destroyed Custer's phone by dropping it in a full Big Gulp cup. He smacked Ash across the face, took the murder knife from Ash's hand, and demanded that Ash turn himself in.
However, Ash ignored the warnings, gathered weapons in the restroom, and opened fire through the door. Fez was trying to coax Ash outside when a SWAT team broke into the house; he quickly complied with the SWAT team, but his efforts to coax Ash outside were futile.
Fez was caught in the crossfire after Ash opened fire with a machine gun through the bathroom door and the SWAT team responded with their own weapons. He appeared to have been shot in the stomach.
But he stayed on the ground through it all, yelling for Ash to stop shooting and come out, so he was at least functional enough to do that. At the episode's conclusion, we see him being taken away while still conscious despite his injuries.
Euphoria is a drama TV series that follows a diverse group of high school students as they deal with issues like love, sex, drugs, and self-discovery. Angus Cloud's portrayal of Fezco, a recurring villain, has made him a fan favorite.
In Euphoria, Fezco experiences ups and downs as he tries to make it in the dangerous world of drug dealing while still staying connected to the people he cares about. When one of Fezco's clients robs a drug lord in the first season, Fezco is put in a dangerous position and must recover the loot to protect himself and his family.
His demise is not shown on screen, but it is strongly implied that he dies. Fez was killed by Ashtray in the Euphoria season 2 finale, but he was still conscious. He attempted to coax Ash outside when a SWAT team broke into the house, but his efforts were futile.
He was shot in the stomach, but stayed on the ground and yelled for Ash to stop shooting. At the end, he was taken away still conscious.
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