Racing Game Circuit Superstars With a Cute Premise Is Now Available in the Playstation 4.

Following its initial launch on PC and Xbox One, the racing simulator game Circuit Superstars is now available for PlayStation 4.

Available from today (27th January), the Original Fire Games created and Square Enix published racing title captivated the Traxion.GG team’s imagination late last year, earning it an entry on our ‘Best racing games of 2021‘ list.

The game is built around realistic physics that are complemented by an endearing visual appeal.

At first glance, the game appears straightforward, but it has much depth to it, necessitating precise timing of pit stops, careful tire management, and thorough track memorization.

The PS4 version is priced at £15.99/$19.99, which is the same as the PC and Xbox One versions.

Circuit Superstars

It contains all of the game's upgrades and new additions to date, including the Bullseye Speedway and Impact Stock Car, as well as cross-platform online multiplayer with other PS4 players. Backward compatibility allows you to play it on a PlayStation 5 as well.

In our evaluation, we stated that we were “trying over and over and over again to find the absolute best lap time.”

Fight for the podium spots in a variety of vehicles on a variety of tracks in different environments. The high that comes with achievement after repeated failures even if it is not for the timid, is an unforgettable event that highlights the very essence of motor racing – the competitive spirit.”

Circuit Superstars Updates and Switch Release

Circuit Superstars

That is not the end of the story for Circuit Superstars, however, as the development team continues to work through a road map that includes custom lobbies, AI improvements, ranked matchmaking, a Nintendo Switch release, as well as new vehicles and tracks released every quarter in the second half of 2022.

Final Words

In the comments, let us know whether or not you'll be picking up Circuit Superstars on PlayStation and what you're looking forward to seeing from the franchise in the future.

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