Between Us Episode 4 Release Date: When Will It Air?

Between Us Episode 4 Release Date: Episode 4 of Between Us is finally here, and we're spilling the beans on all we know about this season. We've got a rundown of what happened in the most recent episode of Between Us, as well as details on when and where you can catch up with the next one. After A, Sea, and Bee have confirmed their membership in the swimming club and met “Team” on the ground, he formally introduces them to them as his water polo trainee mates.

Win is trying to reassure Wan at the counter when the Dean and Pruek walk in. Juniors show up and immediately start completing club registration paperwork. Prek wants to know if Win has ever developed a crush on someone after first meeting them. And with that, Dean, accompanied by Win and Pruek, exits the room and makes their way to the check-in counter.

Win casts secret glances toward Team as Pruek makes a dash for the swim team office. As part of the recruitment process, potential new members of this swimming club will be asked to take a test. The exam is a big deal for “Team” because of how well she is expected to do as a swimmer.

Between Us Recap

Win overhears this as well, and he lets the Team know that the selection test for the incoming trainees will be very challenging regardless of whether or not they receive scholarships. “Team” and his mates Pharm and Manow eat lunch alone after the juniors have left. He thinks Win's threat means he won't be accepted onto the Team.

Between Us Episode 4

His pals have assured him that nothing bad will happen to him. They promise to be at his side at any audition he has to go to. When Win finally gets to the apartment building's elevator later that day, he finds Team living there, too. “Win” contacts Wan and complains about how sad it is that View is always on his phone.

Pharm is inconsolable and crying because of his memories, and the rest of the team is astonished to find the Team comforting him. Tul runs into the three seniors as the swim team shows up at the resort.

The Team needs to help the younger players with a few of their training exercises. Juniors from the Sea Force Team (represented by the letters “A,” “Sea,” and “Bee”) go for a swim in the ocean after practice.

The incident leaves a little cut on the sole of The Team's shoe. Win notices how coolly he's handling the issue and decides to become part of the “Team,” enlisting A, Sea, and Bee in a hunt for medical help.

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The other members of the group are not going to let Win look at his wounds. Since the cut was not as severe, Win joked that he will have little leverage during the training sessions.

A man is outraged by the Team’s assertion that he will be able to run around the entire resort in no time. He breaks apart from the group to tend to his injury privately. Dean's continuous sense of disorientation is a topic of conversation among the senior class later that night.

Apparently, Win is impervious to stress, as Dean attests. Win says that everything in his life is transient, while Dean contends that he cannot live in this manner.

‘Win,' as Dean calls him, is strongly urged to transfer to the junior class. While Win watches, Team A's Bee and Sea prepare a barbecue dinner. The sea claims to have the latest pornographic film leak, so she invites the other two people into a room to see it with her.

The four pals watch the Obscene video when the Team begins to feel uneasy. Because they saw that he had an erection, the Team demanded that Bee give him the key to their bedroom. He bolts outside as the group mocks him. Warut Collectively.

Once Win found Team, he made an effort to speak with the confused group. Finally, the victor recognizes Team, but the group soon leaves.

If Win feels he can't handle things on his own, he asks the Team to come to his room and help him calm down. Win leads the way to the elders' chamber as instructed. One another's lips meet after Team offers his approval.

Between Us Episode 4 Release Date: When Will It Air?

Sunday, November 27, 2022, is the premiere date for the fourth episode of Between Us. Tonight at 11:45 p.m. Eastern Time, the fourth episode of Between Us may be viewed on YouTube in the United States. Episode 4 of Between Us will air on November 28 at 4 p.m. EST (10:15 a.m. IST, 8:45 a.m. BST, and 1:45 p.m. AEST).

How to Watch Between Us Episode 4?

Episodes of Between Us can be seen on YouTube at the allotted times and dates. In order to catch the new episodes as they air in their separate nations, fans should check the time given above against the time in their own time zones.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When Was Between Us First Released?

On November 6, 2022, Between Us Was First Made Available to the Public.

How Many Seasons of Between Us Have There Been?

There is Just One Season of Between Us.

When Will Between Us: Season 1 Episode 4 Air?

On November 27, 2022, Between Us' Fourth Episode of Season 1 is Expected to Air.


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