Netflix's reality show “Surviving Paradise” took viewers on a thrilling journey of love and survival as singles embarked on a tropical adventure to find romance. Among the couples that captured the audience's attention were Shea Foster and Taylor Olympios, whose budding romance became a focal point of the show.
The contestants were urged to build bonds with one another to win the cash prize, and it appears that Shea and Taylor bonded and became a couple in the short time they were together. However, there would be conflict in paradise between the two, prompting viewers to question if Shea and Taylor are still together.
So, with the first season of the program completed, we have been examining the evidence, much like investigators at a crime scene, to present our findings concerning the show's aftermath.
As fans eagerly anticipate updates on their relationship status, the burning question remains: are Taylor and Shea still together?
Are Shea Foster and Taylor Olympios Still Together?
Unsurprisingly, Taylor and Shea ended their relationship after participating in Surviving Paradise. They ended the show on a sad note, with Taylor telling Shea that she would return to camp, allowing him to remain in the villa.
Instead of offering to go in her place, he agreed, which irritated Taylor. Shea, on the other hand, had sacrificed himself several times for Taylor throughout the game; thus, certain cast members found her complaining aggravating.
While neither Taylor nor Shea have confirmed or denied their connection, the show was shot in the summer of 2022, and they were never in the same area at the same time.
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As a result, the couple most likely parted ways after filming Surviving Paradise. Taylor forgave Shea, but his treatment of her left a bitter taste in her mouth because he was in the top four and she was eliminated because of her sacrifice.
Where is Taylor Olympios Now?
Taylor has become an influencer since surviving Paradise and has amassed over 30,000 Instagram followers. She has modeled for a vintage website and appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
The successful model appears to be single, yet she is thriving in her work. Meanwhile, Shea has resumed running following spinal fusion surgery in 2021 and continues to work as a private jet broker.
Taylor and Shea are most likely not together after Surviving Paradise, but they are doing well after the show. Taylor is a sought-after influencer and model, and Shea is a successful entrepreneur who can undertake more physical activity after recuperating from a car accident. While their relationship was as mediocre as the show, they are doing fine post-production.