In the world of reality television romance, few shows have captured the attention and hearts of audiences quite like “Married at First Sight” (MAFS) in Australia. The series, known for its bold premise of strangers meeting and marrying each other sight unseen, has produced its fair share of captivating couples and dramatic storylines. Among them, Sara and Tim emerged as a particularly intriguing pair.
While Sara and Tim were instantly drawn to each other, they encountered some difficult challenges throughout the experiment, including the groom admitting on the wedding day that he was planning to propose to his ex-girlfriend, Sara refusing to share the contents of her phone with her husband during a trusted task, and one particularly heated argument at a dinner party.
With all of these ups and downs, MAFS Australia viewers are compelled to wonder if Tim and Sara are still together today.
Are Sarah and Tim still together?
In case you forgot, Sara and Tim met for the first time at the altar and seemed to get along well. However, it was not a total fairytale, as they soon began to fight throughout their wedding, honeymoon, and after moving in together.
While the season has only just begun in the UK, it is running a few weeks earlier in Australia, so we already know some of the drama that unfolds between these two. Warning: Major spoilers ahead!
Later in the series, Sara refuses to share the contents of her phone with him during a trust exercise. Furthermore, they have a heated dispute at a dinner party, which surprises their other brides and grooms.
So, are Tim and Sara still together? We don't think so, considering they've been photographed on dates with other individuals since filming.
Tim was also caught kissing another lady in February, and Sara addressed the photographs on The Kyle & Jackie O Show in Australia. When queried about them, she answered, “It might've been an ex.”
Read More: Are Charlene and Patrick Still Together From MAFS Australia?
Surprisingly, they continue to follow each other on Instagram and share couple-related photographs from their time in the experiment. We'll have to keep watching to find out for sure!