“90 Day Fiancé,” a popular reality television series, has introduced viewers to an array of couples navigating the complexities of international relationships while dealing with cultural differences, long-distance challenges, and the pressures of a 90-day visa.
Miona and Jibri are one such couple who captured the hearts of fans with their unique journey.
In this article, we will explore the current status of Miona and Jibri's relationship, answering the question that's on everyone's mind: Are they still together?
Are Jibri and Miona Still Together?
Jibri and Miona's relationship is still going strong! In November 2022, the pair celebrated their first wedding anniversary.
“Our first year of marriage!!!!” Miona posted a photo of the couple kissing in front of a brand-new Porsche convertible. “WE DID IT!!! ANNIVERSARY WEDDING GIFT.”
Fans began to speculate if Jibri and Miona had split up in September and October 2023 after they ceased posting on Instagram. However, the couple confirmed to In Touch exclusively that they were still together.
“We are together and we are still married!” In Touch spoke with Miona. “We just decided to change some stuff with social media and to put less attention on our private life and relationship.”
When Did Miona and Jibri Get Engaged?
According to the couples' Instagram posts, Jibri proposed in Thailand in December 2019 when he got down on one knee.
“She said YES!!!” he exclaimed at the moment, beside a photo of the newlyweds. “Those of you who know me well know that I'm not generally apprehensive or scared to do anything… But this made my hands sweat… I nearly dropped the ring and put it on the wrong finger!”
“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for both of us,” Jibri added.
When Did Miona and Jibri Get Married?
Six months after proposing in Thailand, Jibri spoke with Telegraf, a Serbian news organization, about his love for Miona's motherland, and referred to her as his “wife.”
“It's always been my second home for me, a home away from home,” he explained at the time. “My wife is Serbian, and my life is Serbian, and everything Serbian is right to me.” Serbia is my second home, and I want everyone to realize how welcoming and open it is here.”
While Miona had hoped for a spectacular wedding, the couple decided to look into elopement options instead.
Read More: Are Jovi and Yara Still Together From 90 Day: The Last Resort?
“We've been looking at Joshua Tree National Park because it's pretty, and it's really cheap to get approval,” Miona explained to Jibri's mother in a July 2022 episode of the series. “I know how important for Jibri [sic] that you don't feel left out.”
The couple's desert wedding took place in an August 2022 episode.