Love Island USA, a popular reality TV show that revolves around finding love and connections in a tropical paradise, has had its fair share of memorable couples over the years. Sydney Paight and Isaiah Campbell, who met on the show, quickly became fan favorites due to their undeniable chemistry and emotional connection.
But since the cameras stopped rolling and reality set in, fans have been curious about the couple's relationship status. Are Sydney Paight and Isaiah Campbell still together? Let's take a closer look.
Are Isaiah and Sydney Still Together?
After a high-drama romance in the villa with plenty of ups and downs—including the time Isaiah brought a female back from Casa Amore—the pair appear to be still hot and heavy, posting on each other's Instagrams on a regular basis and taking what appear to be regular visits to see each other. Sydney has even dedicated an Instagram highlight to her man.
“I feel like what we have between us is just so real,” Sydney remarked in an interview with Screen Rant. To be honest, I'm obsessed with him, so I think it'll be simple. ‘I do require some attention,' I told him inside the villa, and he said, ‘I can manage it, no problem.' I actually told him 30 minutes ago, “Just tell me when and where to fly, and I'll pull up.”
When discussing their long-distance relationship, Isaiah stated, “I don't know if I would move to L.A. yet or if she would move to Miami.” It would be dependent. Obviously, we don't know much yet. Observe how things unfold outside the villa.
But I suppose, for the time being, we'll just keep our distance. Flying isn't all that horrible.” They also met one another's families, which elevated their bond to a new level. They enjoyed a wonderful time in South Dakota with Isaiah's family, particularly with his sister. The couple has made their long-distance romance work and plans to live together.
“We FaceTime all the time,” Sydney added in another interview with E! News. He texted me barely five minutes ago. We're still together, but the time difference makes it difficult. But he stays up so late. When I leave, he remains up till five o'clock in the morning.”
Sydney is still working as an operations manager, but she is also focusing on her YouTube channel. Isaiah, on the other hand, is concentrating on his modeling career. We are overjoyed to see the couple succeed in real life, and we hope their bond never breaks.
Sydney and Isaiah's Love Story
Sydney Paight and Isaiah Campbell's love story began on the set of Love Island USA. As is the premise of the show, contestants are thrown into a beautiful villa in a tropical location and tasked with finding love among a group of attractive singles. Sydney and Isaiah quickly caught each other's attention, and their connection deepened as the show progressed.
Sydney came to the villa as the operations manager for a Houston-based technology business. Sydney fell in love with the attractive Isaiah, who was Sydney's junior, on the first day they met. Isaiah's quirky demeanor and bad-boy image impressed her.
Isaiah and Sydney continued their turbulent journey together on the show despite Sydney and Andy Voyen's spark.
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Throughout their time on the show, viewers were treated to heartwarming moments, shared laughter, and an unmistakable chemistry. As the season unfolded, Sydney and Isaiah seemed to have formed a genuine bond.