Anderson Silva Takes Part in a Show, Lowers His Defense Just Like He Did, Defeats the Former Boxing Champion and Makes History

16 years later, Anderson Silva returns to boxing for the first time since he was released. UFC, At the end of 2020. The 46-year-old Brazilian showed regular moves to everyone from his high point in the MMA from 2006 to 2013.Spider defeated 11 – year – old and former world boxing champion Julio Caesar Chavez of Mexico in a split end match in Mexico.

* Content provided by Sporting Pet

Anderson “liked” the fight, feeling comfortable in the ring. The MMA legend even created the popular funds that made him famous at the UFC, undermining his security and abusing dodges with his head.

In the third round, Anderson Silva invited Chavez to fight in the corner of the ring, dropping his defense as he had done in the good UFC days with Forrest Griffin and many more.

In the fifth round, Spider showed more signs of looking at its version at its height, reacting with massive counter-attacks.

He punished the Brazilian Mexican with his jabs and counter-attacks. Chavez, on the other hand, could not match any suitable line.

To that extent, Anderson Silva left the face practically intact, without injuries.

Even at the age of 46, Anderson Silva has shown that he can still compete and be in charge of entertainment in the world of fighting.

At the end of 8 rounds, Anderson Silva received the praise of Mexican Canelo Alvarez, one of today's top boxers, on the ring.