Alan Wake 2 – What We Know So Far

The original Alan Wake debuted ten years ago and ended on the most cliffhanger-inducing cliffhanger imaginable. Ten years later, Alan Wake 2 has found its way out of the pit that was Alan Wake.

It appears that Alan Wake 2 will be Remedy's first survival horror game, and given that the company does not consider the first game to be a survival horror title, this is both an exciting and terrifying prospect. We already know a lot about Alan Wake 2 thanks to the first teaser trailer, which revealed how the previous game ended and how Control's AWE DLC ties into the overall story of the series.

Alan Wake 2

This page contains all of the information we currently know about Alan Wake 2, including the release date, story, gameplay, and any potential villains that may appear.

Alan Wake 2 release date

We don't have a specific release date for Alan Wake 2, but we do know that it will be released sometime in 2023, which isn't too far away in the future. Well, it may be a long wait for those who have been waiting for more than a decade, but I recently completed the game, so it was a pleasant surprise (hah).

This year's Alan Wake 2 will be available for the PlayStation 5, Xbox One X and Xbox One S, as well as the PC. We now know that more information about Alan Wake 2 will be released in the summer of 2022, thanks to Sam Lake's announcement.

Alan Wake 2 Plot

With the tagline “Monsters wear many faces,” Remedy is teasing us with a few hints about what we can expect from Alan Wake 2. First and foremost, if you've completed the entirety of Alan Wake (including DLC) and Control (including DLC), you'll be aware that Alan is still trapped in the dark place (Alan Wake's American Nightmare is probably not canon).

Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake's double, Mr. Scratch, is still out there, which most likely means that in addition to escaping the dark place and dealing with Mr. Scratch, Alan will have to deal with Mr. Scratch while on the run from Cauldron Lake. Another piece of evidence that Mr. Scratch is the antagonist comes in the form of a jump cut in the trailer, which shows Alan Wake with his teeth baring and covered in blood. Of course, that isn't Alan Wake (at least not in this case), and that is, in fact, Mr. Scratch.

In the teaser trailer, we also see visual cuts jumping between Bright Falls and New York City, which suggests that those are the two locations that Alan Wake 2 will take place in. Given that Alan Wake is originally from New York City and the original game took place in Bright Falls, this makes perfect sense. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to run around in a haunted New York City environment.

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What does Remedy's description of Alan Wake 2 as a survival horror game mean in terms of gameplay when compared to the original game is unclear. Because genres can be extremely ambiguous, if you ask two different people, you will get two completely different answers. But you're stuck with me, so bear with me as I explain my analogy.

To make a good comparison, imagine Alan Wake as Resident Evil Village and Alan Wake 2 as Resident Evil 7. If you're a Resident Evil fan, you could think of Alan Wake as Resident Evil 7. Unlike the former, which is more action-packed, the latter is spookier and requires you to work harder for those extra resources. That's what I imagine the transition to be like, though I believe Alan Wake 2 will be scarier than most Resident Evil games in terms of terror. That trailer has a haunting quality to it. There will also be “psychological horror elements,” according to Remedy, who wrote about it on his blog.

Alan Wake 2

If nothing else, I hope we get a good variety of weapons and that the gameplay is significantly improved. As someone who has just completed Alan Wake, I can say that the game is horribly out of date. Alan should be able to sprint for more than two seconds at a time, and we urgently require a functioning inventory system. Because the original was divided into episodes, this obtuse writer was forced to abandon his flashlight and guns every time something bad happened on the show.

Our first impression of Remedy is that the teaser trailer demonstrates some impressive graphical capabilities for a first-person shooter. It would be nice to see that level of fidelity in the cutscenes, even if it is clearly stated that it is not part of the game itself.

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PC requirements

The PC requirements for Alan Wake 2 have not yet been released, but based on Control's PC requirements, we may be able to get a good idea of what the game will require.

Control required you to have an Intel Core i5-7600K or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X processor, 16GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660/1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580 AMD GPU to run at its recommended settings. Remedy recommends an RTX 2060 GPU for use with Ray Tracing. You might be able to play Alan Wake 2 with an RTX 3060 GPU if you use one of the best cheap gaming laptops, which can run laps around the competition.

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Final Words

That’s All About Alan Wake 2. Stay Tuned For More Updates And Bookmark Our Site For More News. Thank You For Reading!