Additional Screen time During the Pandemic Affecting Kids Eyesight

One way that children have stayed occupied during the pandemic is by getting online to play games and stream their favorite shows online from streaming services like Disney Plus or Flex TV. They've also watched shows and movies on television.

Having fast internet in home is a necessity specially in this time of pandemic to keep these activities to make the children occupied, they can also impact a child's eyesight, which is what some doctors are seeing. Even though parents have tried to monitor the amount of time that their children spend in front of screens, it's sometimes difficult if they have to work during the day or if children have to be in front of a screen in order to take part in classes for school and to complete assignments.

Changes in the Eyes

As children get older, their eyesight will likely change even without being in front of a screen for a significant amount of time. Many schools perform vision screenings, which can usually give teachers and school nurses an indication that something might be wrong so that parents can then make an appointment for a thorough eye exam. Parents can pay attention to a few things that their children might do during the day, such as squinting, complaining about a headache, or getting into a comfortable position so that they can see better. If children see these signs at home, then it could be an indication that they need to make an appointment just to see if their children need glasses. As long as conditions are caught early on with most children, then the issues can usually be resolved instead of waiting until children are older or until they are adults as it can be a bit more difficult to correct problems later in life.

Routine Visits

A way that parents can help protect their children's eyes is by taking them to see an optometrist on a regular basis, similar to how they would take their children to a primary care physician for a checkup. The doctor can examine each child's eyes each year and make notes about any changes that are seen so that they can be treated ahead of time instead of letting them get too serious.

Sometimes, children might experience fatigue or stress while they are in school, which can impact their vision. This is something that's been seen quite a bit during the pandemic as children and parents have had to adjust their routines and schedules to complete assignments online and to meet with teachers in a different way.

When it comes to a child's vision, they are usually far-sighted. This means that they can't see things that are up close as well as they can see things that are farther away. Children can usually focus their eyes so that they can see things like a television or computer screen.

However, it could be difficult to see books or other materials that are up close. Even with far-sighted vision, a child's eyes are usually strong enough to adjust to what's seen without glasses. When children are in school, they usually don't have a lot of issues because they are looking at a board that's farther away than a computer screen that they're looking at while at home. If children can go outside and get in the sunshine or enjoy activities that aren't in front of a screen, then it can sometimes slow the progression of issues with the eye, such as nearsightedness.